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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.02.09 2016가단5043516

1. The Defendants jointly share KRW 42,023,795 with respect to the Plaintiff and 5% per annum from November 21, 2013 to May 18, 2016.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff is a special corporation that carries out industrial accident compensation insurance projects entrusted by the Minister of Employment and Labor under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act.

B. Defendant A, as a person operating a cargo storage company “D” in Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, entered into a contract with “H” in the name of “E” on April 25, 2013, and the F, which operated the said center with the trade name “E,” and the period from April 25, 2013 to May 5, 2013, with the period fixed from April 25 to May 5, 2013.

C. At around 9:10 on May 11, 2013, G (G; hereinafter “victim”) which is an employee of E, was transferred to the upper part of the Defendant Company B operated by the Defendant Company A, which was stored in the container in D, and loaded the removal on the container in D, and was set down on the upper part of the Defendant Company B operated by the Defendant Company A, and then down on the upper part of the train, the upper part of which was shaking, and fall down at approximately 3.5 meters above the removal.

(hereinafter “instant accident”). D.

In the instant accident, the victim suffered bodily injury, such as the so-called th emission frame, the upper left-hand pelkes, the upper right-side pelkes, the upper right-side pelkes, and the upper right-side pelkes, etc., due to which the victim was hospitalized in the hospital from May 11, 2013 to August 31, 2013, and due to which the victim was hospitalized in the hospital from May 11, 2013 to August 31, 2013, and was deprived of 1-A-C 32% labor ability under the Mabrid disability Assessment Table.

E. From May 11, 2013 to August 31, 2013, the Plaintiff paid KRW 13,392,580, which is an amount equivalent to medical care benefits of the victim. From May 11, 2013 to August 31, 2013, the period of hospitalization, the rate of loss of labor capacity of 100% was applied to 5,330,802, and from September 1, 2013 to October 12, 2013, the total working age was applied from October 13, 2013 to April 19, 203, each 32% of the maximum working age was calculated as 7,160,612 won and 105,25,286 won, respectively, and paid 7,3081,308 won, 205, 208 won, one lump sum disability benefits to the victim.

[Reasons for Recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap 1 to 7 evidence, and Eul 1 evidence, respectively.
