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텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원 2020.11.26 2020고단1427


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a period of two and a half years, and by imprisonment for a period of two years.

However, this decision is delivered to the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime

[Attachment] The telephone financial fraud organization (one-time phishing) is an organization that deceives an unspecified number of people by deceiving the victim with the content of lending by misrepresenting a financial institution, etc. by misrepresenting an unspecified number of people without telephone, and thereby deceivings the victim, and its role is shared by the act of deceiving the victim from the victim, such as the “general liability” that actually operates and operates the office and organization of the Bosing Center and the entire organization of the Organization, the “debrising liability” that falsely expresses that the victims should transfer or deliver money by misrepresenting a financial institution, etc., and the “collection and remittance liability” that receives damage from the victims of Bosing and remits the money to the total book.


A, on June 2020, 2020, after reporting and communicating the advertisement “payment on the day of KRW 100,000 per day” on the Internet community of Google, A accepted the role of “c agent”, which received damages from the victims of Bohishing, and transferred them to the account designated by the “C agent,” and suggested that friendly Defendant B “the collection and remittance of claims” play the role of “the collection and remittance of claims”, and the Defendant B also consented to the role of “the collection and remittance of claims.”

The aforementioned “C agent,” etc. conspiredd with the Defendants to act as a “statement for collection and remittance” to induce victims, to receive KRW 100,000 per day, and to receive damages from victims, and to deposit them into the account designated by the “C agent”.

【Criminal Facts】

"200 Highest 1427"

1. On June 15, 2020, the non-name scam assistance employee made a false statement to the victim D, stating that “A loan of KRW 15 million shall not be extended if an existing E- Card loan is not repaid,” by phone calling the victim D.

On the other hand.
