본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.02.09 2016고단4073

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal records] On August 21, 2015, the sentence of suspension of execution was imposed on August 21, 2015 by obstructing the performance of official duties in the branch court of the Gwangju District Court, and the sentence became final and conclusive on August 29, 2015, and is currently under suspension of execution.

[Criminal facts]

1. On July 31, 2016, from around 03:00 to around 03:15, the Defendant is aware of the fact that the victim D (21 tax) located in Daegu Dong-gu, Daegu Dong-gu, was not in a store for the reason that the “large number of living water” of the Defendant intended to purchase is not in a store. As such, the Defendant is aware of the fact that the Defendant “in this convenience store, and the employees are all aware.”

If you see the letter of apology and the letter of intention in different parts, it would inevitably interfere with the convenience store business of the victim by force by preventing customers who find the above convenience points by avoiding about 15 minutes of disturbance, such as the expression "I swear with a large voice" at present.

2. At around 03:15, July 31, 2016, the Defendant interfered with the performance of official duties on the road front of the above convenience store, and the Defendant was asked by F, a policeman affiliated with the Daegu East Police Station of the Daegu East Police Station, who called out after being reported 112, about the circumstances of the instant case, the Defendant was asked by F, and the F, who was asked by F, of the instant incident. The Defendant was able to ask by the said F, “I shot, Daegu shot, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am you am, I am, I am you am, I am, I am you am, I am, I am.,

In this regard, this boomer kneves theory, and assaulted on the left part of the F, such as kneves and knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee kne.

Accordingly, the Defendant interfered with the legitimate execution of duties by police officers concerning the handling of 112 reported cases.

3. On July 31, 2016, the Defendant who damaged public goods was arrested in the act of interference with the performance of official duties in the Daegu Dong-gu Police Station room located in 209, Daegu Dong-gu, Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, 2016.
