본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2014.12.23 2014가합12264
보험에관한 소송

1. It is confirmed that each insurance contract entered in the separate sheet concluded between the Plaintiff and the Defendant A is invalid.



1. Basic facts

A. Defendant B, who entered into the instant insurance contract, on September 6, 2010 and

9.7. The Plaintiff and the insured entered into each of the insurance contracts listed in the separate sheet with Defendant B (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”), and around March 2012, the name of the contractor was changed to Defendant A, who is an infant.

B. The content of the hospitalization of Defendant B’s hospital was diagnosed on July 1, 201 on the grounds of “brooms” and was hospitalized in the hospital for about 364 days and 4 months until July 18, 201, including that he was hospitalized in C Hospital for about 18 days until July 18, 2011.

The Defendants were paid KRW 21,840,000 (Defendant A17,520,000, Defendant B4,620,000) for total amount of KRW 21,840,00 per day of hospitalization due to the above insured events of Defendant B.

The details of hospitalization in Defendant B’s hospital are as follows.

순번 입원기간 입원일수 진단명 병원명 지급보험금 1 2011-07-01 ~ 07-18 18 요추 염좌, 우측 견관절 염좌, 양측 족관절 염좌 C병원 1,080,000 2 2011-08-04 ~ 08-17 14 좌츨 발목 염좌, 우측 어깨관절 염좌 D 정형외과 840,000 3 2011-09-20 ~ 10-20 31 열두통, 상세불명 결장의 양성신생물 E병원 1,860,000 4 2012-01-17 ~ 01-30 14 오십견, 무릎뼈 장애 F한방 840,000 5 2012-01-31 ~ 02-21 22 상세불명 어깨부분 신경통 G 신경병원 1,320,000 6 2012-06-20 ~ 07-10 21 상세불명 신경통, 어깨부분 관절증, 무릎관절증 H 한방병원 1,260,000 7 2012-07-12 ~ 08-01 21 상세불명 신경통, 어깨부분 관절증, 무릎관절증 G 신경병원 1,260,000 8 2012-11-28 ~ 12-18 21 급성기관지염, 위-식도역류병, 급성위염 I병원 1,260,000 9 2012-12-21 ~ 12-31 11 급성기관지염, 식도염, 급성위염 H 한방병원 660,000 10 2013-04-08 ~ 04-26 19 급성기관지염, 위-식도역류병, 급성위염, 알레르기 비염 I병원 1,140,000 11 2013-04-29 ~ 05-13 14 상세불명 천식, 급성위염 E병원 840,000 12 2013-08-15 ~...
