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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.04.07 2014고단2806

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 2806] Around August 12, 2013, the Defendant appeared as a witness of the Defendant’s occupational breach of trust case against Seoul Northern District Court 301 located in Dobong-gu Seoul, Seoul Northern District Court 749, and took an oath against the Defendant’s occupational breach of trust case against the above court 2013 Highest 804 C.

During the examination of the above case, the defendant testified to the effect that "I would like to take 70 million won in concluding a contract with the prosecutor for 350 million won or more," and "I would like to have known that I would like to know that I would have known about the terms of giving the remaining payment date for 6 months or more," "I would like to return 70 million won or more from the purchase price to C," "I would like to answer that I would like to say," "I would not know about the agreement that I would return 70 million won or more from the purchase price to C," "I would like to inform the prosecutor that I would have not obtained 1 million won or more from the following day of the conclusion of the contract," and "I would like to deliver 00 million won or more from the following day to D hotel," "I would like to the purport that I would have no other profit in purchasing 10 million won or more from the following day of the contract," and "I would like to deliver 1 million won or more in cash to the prosecutor's testimony."

However, the facts are as follows: ① the Defendant divided a direct talk about the Liber Agreement with C, ② the amount of KRW 45 million was remitted to E to E; ③ the profits acquired in connection with the purchase of the instant real estate was KRW 15 million.

Ultimately, the defendant made a false statement contrary to his memory and raised perjury.

[2015 Highest 16] A person who intends to run a brokerage business shall have jurisdiction over an area where he/she intends to establish a brokerage office.
