1. Defendant Republic of Korea shall be the Plaintiff:
A. As to the share of 176/182 square meters in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seoul.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. On August 10, 1911, 191, the administrative district was changed to 55 square meters prior to the Gyeonggi-gun, Gwangju-gun (the administrative district was converted to 182 square meters prior to the Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government B, and the unit was converted to the area; hereinafter “instant land”) was under the circumstances of E having a domicile in the said Ri on August 10, 191.
B. The Plaintiff’s assistance team F established a permanent domicile in Seocho-gu Seoul Seocho-gu Seoul, but according to the results of the fact-finding conducted by the head of Seocho-gu, this court did not inquire about F’s assistance whose permanent domicile is located in the above D or Hdong, other than the above F.
The FF died on June 7, 1933, and I, the South-North son, had succeeded to the family inheritance and the property inheritance.
I died on November 3, 1973, and his wife died on November 1, 1974, and the J finally succeeded to the property of K and L I as his children.
K died on February 18, 2007 and jointly succeeded to the property of M, N,O, P, and Q, its children, and L died on November 29, 1975 and jointly succeeded to the property of R, S, T, U,V, and W, its wife and children.
N died on January 15, 2010, and Y, the husband of the N, jointly inherited N’s property, X and her husband, and theO died on August 20, 2017 and jointly succeeded to N’s property.
S AB died on December 24, 197, and died on February 23, 1981, the wife died, and finally succeeded to the property of AC, AD, and AE, which are their children, jointly inherited the property of AD. AD died on March 16, 2013, and AF, the husband, succeeded to the property of AD.
R died on February 24, 2014 and jointly inherited the R’s property by T, U, V,W, AC, AE, and AF.
C. On December 12, 2017, M, P, Q, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Plaintiff, AAC, AE, AE, and AF, who are all co-inheritorss who have ultimately succeeded to the Plaintiff’s property, agreed to own the property solely on the instant land. D.
On the other hand, the defendant Republic of Korea is named as Seoul Central District Court No. 64627, Jun. 26, 1991 with respect to the land of this case, which was unregistered.