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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.06.25 2013고정5664

The defendant shall be innocent.


1. A person who intends to cut standing timber in the summary of the facts charged shall obtain permission from the competent authority;

Nevertheless, on February 22, 2010, the Defendant cut off total of 73 girs, such as kin trees, which are not known of the market price in Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government G (8,186 meters), H (512 meters), I (1,008 meters), and I (1,008 meters) owned by the FF corporation in charge of the Defendant’s operation, using heavy equipment, such as dumpers and dumpers.

As a result, the defendant cut standing timber planted in the above forest and damaged the forest without permission from the competent authorities.

2. Determination

A. The evidence as shown in the facts charged in the instant case includes each of the J, K, and L’s investigative agencies and legal statements, each of the accusation documents, and the statement of accusation documents for the preparation of M.

Details are as follows:

(1) At the investigative agency, J made a statement to the effect that “The Defendant has cut down a considerable quantity of trees without obtaining permission from the authorities, and the Defendant has cut the trees only by cutting the trees,” and in this court, “Any male has cut the pine trees in a size of 100 to 200,000 to 100,000,000 on Sundays.” The Defendant made a statement to the effect that “The Defendant has reported the cutting of trees at a felling site.”

(2) L made a statement at the prosecutor’s office to the effect that “I had a tree saw before the beginning, the Defendant cut the trees to another person on February 2010 and cut them to the electric saw, and then cut them to the same effect.”

(3) Public officials M laid down and submitted to the police a written accusation statement to the effect that “A defendant laid down trees of each forest as indicated in the facts charged (hereinafter “each forest of this case”) without permission using heavy equipment, such as a softer and a Buddhist reservoir.”

(4) The public official K does not err in the investigation report stating that the Defendant prepared by the Prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office is the instant actor.

Defendant, who is a landowner, is mobilized by raindozers, etc.
