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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.11.11 2014가단13744

1. The plaintiff's respective claims against the defendants are dismissed.

1. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff reported the marriage with F and, as his child, established G to enter middle school first year around March 3, 2014, following the following case.

B. On February 19, 2014, H demanded the divorce against I, who is his husband, and demanded consolation money, etc. against F, and filed a lawsuit for divorce and consolation money, etc. with the Daejeon Family Court 2014da1351, the Daejeon Family Court reported 112 to confirm the field of communication at the police station, and entered the police station under the name of Defendant D, E, etc., who is the mother of Defendant B, C, and H, who is the birth of H, and the mother of Defendant D, E, etc., who is the birth of H, as well as Defendant D, E, etc., on February 19, 2014, for the purpose of confirming the apartment site at the Plaintiff’s domicile, the police dispatched, and the confirmation of “commencing” at the time of the Plaintiff’s house.

C. The F is under medical treatment with each other due to acute stress reaction caused by the foregoing case after February 26, 2014, and G, after February 22, 2014.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 20 (including paper numbers), Eul evidence Nos. 1 and 8, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The assertion;

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion H and the Defendants’ family members as the Plaintiff’s assertion were unlawful, i.e., F without permission, and the Plaintiff’s house without permission, and F’s evictions.

In response to the Gu, the plaintiff's house, F and G faces were taken by video and photographed illegally.

F is a crime of adultery without any error, and the destruction was caused by G. G’s play due to the conduct of H and the Defendants, which directly entered into his mother, and was made a sense of shame and insult by sealing his mother on the house. The Plaintiff was the most serious suffering as a result of the Plaintiff’s wife and his children being treated with such severe mental suffering.

This constitutes a tort by the Defendants, and the Defendants are jointly and severally liable to pay consolation money as damages to the Plaintiff.

B. As to the Defendants’ assertion, I, the husband of H, is the husband of H, on March 2013.
