본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.05.31 2017고단1261


A Imprisonment of one year and fine of 30 million won, Defendant B’s imprisonment of one year and fine of 20 million won and Defendant C.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person other than Defendant A and Defendant B’s pharmacy founders may sell or acquire drugs for sales purposes;


A and Defendant B have no pharmacist license, and they are not pharmacy founders.

Nevertheless, on July 2015, the Defendants conspired to establish an Internet server in the east of Japan’s east, and opened a false business operator’s registration number, posted a promotional letter “H (I) H (H) shipping company directly in the position of H (H) overseas, so that they create a male king,” and made a reproduction of drugs that, upon the buyer’s request for purchase, sold at least six operating accounts, such as the string account (number L), etc. in the name of K and deliver goods to the buyer by receiving the purchase price from the buyer.

2. No person other than Defendant C pharmacy founders may sell or acquire drugs for the purpose of sale.

Nevertheless, from July 2015 to early April 2016, the Defendant, as indicated in paragraph (1), received an autopsy from a person who was not a pharmacist, who was aware of the fact that he/she sold a part of the equipment, such as A and B’s name, and then delivered it to the buyer on behalf of B and B, with the knowledge that he/she sold the part of the equipment, such as A and B’s name, even though he/she was aware of the fact that he/she sold the part of the equipment, such as A and B’s name, without being aware of the fact that he/she was not a pharmacist, and then sold it.

Accordingly, the defendant aided and abetted the violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act by A and B.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ legal statement

1. A protocol concerning the examination of a suspect of the police against N orO;

1. Each protocol of seizure and each list of seizure;

1. A criminal investigation report (to attach sales data to the H site manager), one copy of the H site management page, and one copy of the sales data from the H site on January 25, 2015 to April 4, 2016

1. The report of investigation (the use of suspect;
