C The debt repayment of KRW 22,00,000,000 against Defendant A corporation on August 10, 2016 is revoked.
Defendant A.
Facts of recognition
A. The Plaintiff and D Co., Ltd. 1) The Plaintiff is exempt from all of the indication of D Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Co.”).
B) As indicated below, each loan for consumption was entered into with the following table (the date of expiration shall be the date of the last extension, hereinafter referred to as "each of the instant contracts" in cases where each of the following contracts between the Plaintiff and D is referred to as "each of the instant contracts," and, where a part of the contract is referred to, "the instant contract (the relevant No. 1)" based on the sequence set forth below:
].순번 대출과목 계약일 대출금액(원) 여신만료일 미변제 원금(원) 미변제 이자 등(원) 잔액 1 일반자금대출 2002. 10. 15. 300,000,000 2016. 10. 7. 256,600,000 762,561 257,362,561 2 기업운전일반자금대출 2015. 4. 20. 60,000,000 2016. 10. 20. 57,000,000 200,777 57,200,777 3 기업운전일반자금대출 2011. 8. 12. 500,000,000 2016. 8. 12. 500,000,000 2,438,524 502,438,524 4 기업운전일반자금대출 2013. 5. 29. 825,000,000 2016. 11. 25. 825,000,000 1,207,295 826,207,295 5 기업운전일반자금대출 2007. 11. 29. 450,000,000 2016. 11. 18. 427,500,000 745,555 428,245,555 6 기업운전일반자금대출 2013. 4. 26. 80,000,000 2016. 10. 20. 76,000,000 174,426 76,174,426 7 세이프-e 구매자금대출 2010. 11. 8. 500,000,000 2016. 10. 14. 475,000,000 822,498 475,822,498 8 기업운전당좌대출 2014. 3. 11. 400,000,000 2016. 9. 12. 378,142,407 1,493,489 379,635,896 9 소매금융일반자금대출 2015. 4. 20. 540,000,000 2016. 10. 20. 503,902,232 1,438,573 505,340,805 10 실적방식네트워크대출 2007. 11. 29. 600,000,000 2016. 11. 18. 570,000,000 1,864,958 571,864,958 2) 이 사건 각 계약에 따른 D의 원고에 대한 채무는 2016. 8. 12. 기준으로 합계 4,080,193,295원(원금 4,069,044,639원, 이자 등 부수채무 11,148,656원)이 남아 있었다.
B. D and C paid KRW 980,000,000 as the price for goods on August 10, 2016.
D. . ...