1. Revocation of the first instance judgment.
2. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
3. All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
A. 1) The Defendant entered into the instant construction contract, etc.) on May 16, 2013, the C Corporation (hereinafter “instant construction project”).
with respect to the construction period as follows: 8,899,200,000 won (basic amount 3,448,450,000 won, government-funded material cost, 5,447,540,000 won, waste disposal 3,210,000 won): 18 months from the date of commencement of construction (for a water repair project, annually implemented within the budget of the corresponding year).
(2) On June 4, 2013, the Plaintiff was selected as a successful bidder in the said bid, and entered into a contract for construction works with the Defendant and the instant construction works with respect to the total construction period from June 10, 2013 to December 1, 2014 (hereinafter “instant construction contract”).
나. 이 사건 공사계약의 변경 1) 원고와 피고는 이 사건 공사에 관하여 여러 차례 차수별 계약 및 총괄계약을 변경하여 최종적으로 총 계약금액을 6,505,564,000원, 총 공사의 준공기한을 2017. 4. 11.로 정하였는데, 그 주요 변경내역은 아래 표 기재와 같다. 차수 변경횟수 계약일 주요(변경)내용 금차계약금액(원) 총계약금액(원 금차준공일자 총준공일자 총괄 최초 2013. 6. 4. 2,966,080,000 2,966,080,000 2014. 12. 1. 1회 2013. 11. 20. 4,548,270,000 4,548,270,000 2회 2013. 12. 26. 4,910,490,000 4,910,490,000 3회 2014. 7. 4. 2015. 3. 19. 4회 2017. 4. 6. 6,505,564,000 1차 최초 2013. 6. 20. 1,317,200,000 2,966,080,000 2014. 6. 19. 2014. 12. 1. 1회 2013. 11. 21. 1,762,900,000 2회 2013. 12. 26. 2,177,950,000 3회 2014. 7. 4. 2014. 10. 5. 2015. 3. 19. 4회 2014. 10. 8. 2014. 11. 11. 2015. 4. 25. 5회 2014. 10. 24. 2,492,370,000 5,782,955,000 2차 최초 2014. 3. 27. 1,429,000,000 4,910,490,000 2014. 12. 1. 2014. 12. 1. 1회 2014. 7. 7. 2015. 3. 19. 2회 2014. 10. 13. 2015. 4. 25. 3회 2014. 10. 24. 1,128,820,000 4회 2015. 2. 24. 2015. 6. 1. 2015. 6. 1. 5회 2015. 2....