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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2018.09.05 2018고단503

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On May 24, 2018, around 10:00 on the 10:0, the Defendant: (a) intruded the victim D’s residence on May 24, 2018; (b) went into the said building through the door door door, which was not corrected by the idea of theft of things owned by the victim; and (c) discovered one head of a Tong, the victim’s possession, which is kept in the erode of the television decoration, and stolen the said passbook using any cresh.

2. The thief requested E to withdraw cash using the passwords stated in the back of the above passbook and the above passbook during the cash withdrawal period, where the Defendant, at around 11:10 on the above day, entered the above passbook into the above passbook and entered the passwords, etc. in the above cash withdrawal period, and the Defendant, at around 11:10 on around 11:10 on the above day, entered the passbook in the above passbook and then withdrawn KRW 700,000,00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 won.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property.

3. The Defendant’s fraud using a computer, etc. was provided by G in the “H” operated by G in 13:30 on the same day on the same day, and the Defendant was provided with drinking, al, al, and female helpers, etc., and the Defendant was not aware of the fact that the Defendant was a stolen object, such as the entry of the passbook in paragraph 1, and that “the Defendant would transfer the passbook directly to the Telecommunications account to pay the drinking value with the money in this passbook” to G, who was not aware of the fact, as stated in paragraph 1. As such, G, who would not know of the fact, read the above passbook, and notify G of the password, and eventually, let G enter the said passbook into the cash payment machine installed in the automatic cash withdrawal 14-1 at the agricultural branch in the 144-1 of the agricultural branch in the Dong-dong branch in Y-si, the Defendant entered the above passbook and the password, etc. in the name of G in the name of the victim.
