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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.10.17 2019고단920


A 8 months of imprisonment, Defendant B 6 months of imprisonment without prison labor, Defendant C Co., Ltd. and D Co., Ltd. shall be punished by a fine of 5,000.


Punishment of the crime

[Status and Subcontract Relationship of Defendant D Co., Ltd.] The main purpose of Defendant D Co., Ltd. is to establish the main office in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City F and to conduct civil engineering construction business. Defendant E Co., Ltd. is a corporation established mainly in the field of civil engineering construction business with its main office in Gunpo-si, Seoul. Defendant C Co., Ltd is a corporation established mainly in the field of reinforced concrete construction business with its main


D Around December 28, 2016, D Co., Ltd and Defendant E Co., Ltd. contracted by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation the “three sections of the I D D D D D D D D D D DD Housing Construction Works” (hereinafter “DD Housing Construction Works”) to the joint performance method (51%, E Co., Ltd.). Around March 31, 2017, they subcontracted the part of the said construction work to Defendant C Co., Ltd.


B As Defendant D’s field director and person in general charge of safety and health, the person who controls and supervises the overall affairs of construction, such as construction, safety, etc. of the “working on happy housing,” and Defendant A is the head of the field office belonging to Defendant C and the person in charge of safety and health management, who exercises overall control over the construction, safety, etc. of reinforced concrete among “working on happy housing”

【Criminal Facts】

1. Defendants A and B business owners shall install an industrial accident, such as the installation of safety and health facilities, in a place where workers might fall down at the end or opening of the work launch board and passage, with sufficient strength to take protective measures, such as safety railing, fences, vertical fall net, cover, etc. The business owners of a business carried out in the same place where part of the business is divided into a contract for work at a place where there is a risk of industrial accidents, such as the collapse of soil and sand, fire, explosion, fall, or fall or fall.
