본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2013.04.19 2013고단650


A Imprisonment for one year, and each of the defendants B and C shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.

except that from the date of this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

No one shall engage in business of exchanging tangible or intangible results obtained through the use of game products.

1. The Defendant, from June 17, 2009 to May 9, 201, installed an Internet exclusive line on several computers operated by the Defendant in Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, and sold the game money in such a way that the Defendant acquired the game money in such a way as to unilaterally put the game at the game room opened on the game site in which the said customers received a request for purchase of the game money from those who acquired the game money and received a request for purchase of the said money. In return, the Defendant paid KRW 110,000 per 10 billion per game money to the customers. From the customers who want to purchase the game money, the Defendant received KRW 112,00 won per 10 billion per 10 billion per the game money from the customers who want to purchase the game money, and sold the game money unilaterally to the customers in the above game room.

As above, the Defendant carried out business exchange of tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products.

2. From August 31, 201 to December 12, 2011, Defendant B, at “I” operated by the Defendant in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City H and 203, installed an Internet exclusive line with two computers, and sold the game money in such a way as to acquire the game money by unilaterally putting the said customers on the game at the online game site, and received a request for purchase of the game money from the customers who acquired the game money, at the online game site, at the online game site, the Defendant: (a) acquired the game money; (b) paid KRW 111,500 per 10 billion per game money to customers; and (c) received KRW 119,500 per 10 billion per dud from the customers who want to purchase the game money; and (d) sold the game money in such a way as to unilaterally put them to customers at the online game site.

The Defendant obtained through the use of game products as above.
