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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.09.28 2018고단1787

1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for three years, by imprisonment for two years, and by a fine of five million won.



Punishment of the crime


A is a person who operates “E” on the 6th floor of the Busan East-gu D Building, “G” on the 6-7th floor of the Busan FF Building, and “J” on the 2nd floor of the I hotel located in the Busan J (hereinafter in this case “K”), and “J” on the 2-3rd floor of the Busan LG in the Busan JG.


B is a person who manages the business of “E” and “G”, enters into a contract for the registration and lease of a business operator of “K” in his/her name, and carries out the business of managing the carper of “K” and “M”.

U is a person who has performed the role of managing the carcers of “G”, “K”, and “M” while carrying out the role of carrying female women from the airport to the above-mentioned establishments.


C is a person who, under his/her own name, entered into a contract for the registration and lease of “M” and managed a carper into the terminal and performed a role, such as bringing Thai women into the terminal to the terminal.

1. 2018 high group 1787;

A. Defendant A and B conspired with each other to arrange sexual traffic, and around February 16, 2015 (Defendant B from May 14, 2016 to around September 1, 2017) provided 5, atmosphere rooms, and surface rooms in E “E” with 90,000 won, “AC” (40 minutes of sexual traffic) 90,000 won, “BC” (30 minutes of marina and 40 minutes of sexual traffic) 120,000 won, “CSS” (50 minutes of marina and 40 minutes of sexual traffic) 130,000 won, “DSS” (2 times of sexual traffic) 150,000 won, “EF” 30,000 won, and 300,000 won and similar to each other’s sexual traffic (30,000 won and 4060 minutes of sexual traffic).

B. Defendant A and B conspired with each other, and each of the male customers, who had engaged in sexual traffic, including N,O, P, Q, R, S, and T in collusion with each other from October 22, 2015 to November 6, 2017, have five rooms in the G “G”, and employees accommodation, etc., and had each of them find the same at the same time.
