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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2019.05.29 2019고단487 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

1. Around 00:48 on March 24, 2019, the Defendant suffered special injury: (a) with a shoulder beer beer disease, which is a dangerous object, to the victim F (the age of 45) who intends to speak the assault of A, working at the “Eju” located in the Busan Metropolitan Transportation Daegu C, and caused multiple spacks that require approximately 21 days of treatment to the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and inflicted an injury on the victim.

2. 공무집행방해 피고인은 2019. 3. 24. 03:00경 ‘싸움이 났다’는 112신고를 받고 출동한 경찰관들로부터 특수상해죄의 현행범인 체포되어 부산 해운대구 O에 있는 해운대경찰서 P지구대로 인치되었으나 계속하여 소란을 피우던 중 제지를 받자 화가 나, P지구대 소속 경사 J에게 “니가 짜바리 생활한지 얼마나 된지는 모르겠지만 마 씹할 새끼야, 마! 내 아나 니 몇 살이고, 씹할 새끼야, 아이고 개새끼야, 마! 좆밥 새끼야, 병신아”라고 욕설을 하고, 해운대경찰서로 이송되는 순찰차 내에서 위 J에게 “니 자신 있나, 한주먹 거리도 안 되는 개새끼가, 아가리 개 부셔뿐다, 개새끼야, 사복 입으면 죽을 줄 알아라, 씹할 놈아!, 다음에 만나면 귀를 잘라버린다”라고 말하여 위 J에게 해악을 가할 듯한 태도를 보여 위 J에게 20분간 욕설과 협박을 하였다.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the police officer's 112 report processing and legitimate execution of duties concerning arrest of flagrant offenders.

3. At the above E points in the operation of the victim D (A, 57 years old) at the time specified in paragraph 1, the Defendant was unable to avoid disturbance by: (a) assaulting the above F’s daily happiness G and H; (b) junating the f’s happiness as described in paragraphs 1 and 2; (c) junating the F’s daily behavior; and (d) junating the F’s body with his body, she continued to undergo disturbance, such as exposing the flasium and h’s hair; and (c) her body showing the flasium.

Accordingly, Defendant and A are the same.
