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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구고등법원 2015.08.26 2014나20203

1. The judgment of the first instance, including the claims added at the trial, shall be modified as follows:


A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.

1. Basic facts

A. The parties concerned are educational foundations establishing and operating a Tol University Seoul National University Hospital (hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”). The Plaintiff is a person who received kidy transplant and transplant surgery at the Defendant Hospital.

나. 원고의 병력 및 신장이식수술(1차 수술)의 시행 1) 원고는 1997년경 대구의료원에서 고혈압 진단을 받고 약물치료를 받던 중 2004년경의 건강검진 결과 크레아티닌(Cr) 수치가 1.7mg /㎗(신장기능을 평가하는 수치로서 정상 수치는 0.5 ~ 1.2mg /㎗이고, 그 이상의 수치일 경우 신기능 저하로 진단할 수 있다

)로 증가 소견을 보인 후 매년 그 수치가 1.7 ~ 2mg /㎗로 나타났고, 2011년경에 그 수치가 3.45mg /㎗로 나타나 계명대학교 동산병원에서 만성신장질환 진단을 받았으며, 2012. 3.경부터 포항성모병원에서 주 3회 혈액투석을 받아 왔다. 2) 원고는 2012. 3. 9.경 신장이식수술을 받기 위해 피고 병원 신장내과에 최초 내원하였다.

The Defendant Hospital diagnosed the Plaintiff as a chronic kidne disease (five period) as a result of the examination, and confirms that there is no particular fault that may obstruct kidne surgery by performing the surgery and the examination of diagnosis through a collaboration with other departments, etc., such as organizational cohesion, blood exchange, blood test, heart test, radiation test, etc., and then performing the kidne surgery on March 28, 2012, the Defendant Hospital decided to implement the “AB blood type AB surgery” to transplant the Plaintiff’s leakage (blood type AB) to the Plaintiff (blood type A).

3) On May 23, 2012, the Plaintiff hospitalized the Defendant Hospital to undergo a prior inspection, etc. for the said kidne surgery, and thereafter, from May 31, 2012 to May 15, 2012, the Plaintiff performed the said kidne surgery from the medical staff of the Defendant Hospital (hereinafter “first surgery”).

was received.

In the course of the first operation, the connection of transplant is to the right of the plaintiff.
