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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.11.27 2015고정1375

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of three million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, KRW 100,000.


Punishment of the crime

"2015 High Court 1375"

1. The Defendant’s fraud aiding and abetting the Defendant’s search of the “work loan” on the Internet website, and obtained a name influence, made a business registration and made a passbook under the name of the business operator, made a passbook to pay the money deposited in the passbook, and received the payment even if he knew that this is a fund acquired by a tort, not a normal money transaction, even though he/she was aware of the fact that this is a fund acquired by a tort.

On June 30, 2014, around 15:00 on the Internet “B” website, the person whose name was omitted refers to a vehicle seller’s phone call from the victim C with D numbered to purchase the vehicle, and then affixed a seal thereon.

7.1. On July 10, 10:00, the above seller calls again to the seller, and then calls to the seller for a transaction with another sales company, “if you want to send another sales company staff,” the commission should be paid. However, as you have concluded a contract, it is inside C, and as you have purchased and sold a vehicle, it is called the vehicle and the vehicle is transferred.” On July 11:50, 2013, the person in poor name calls to the buyer of the vehicle and sells the vehicle to the buyer’s used vehicle so that the buyer would buy and sell the vehicle to the buyer’s end-of-life vehicle, and the buyer would buy and sell the vehicle to the buyer’s end-of-life vehicle, and the buyer would buy and sell the vehicle to the buyer’s end-of-life vehicle, and the buyer and the buyer of the vehicle from the seller’s end-of-life vehicle from the seller’s shop to the buyer’s end-of-life vehicle, and the buyer and the buyer of the vehicle from the seller.
