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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2018.04.26 2018고합35

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six years.

One day (No. 1) and one knife (No. 2) shall be confiscated, respectively.


Criminal facts

On September 3, 2017, the Defendant entered the Republic of Korea on September 3, 2017, who entered the Republic of Korea as the sojourn status (F1) living together with the Defendant, was unable to work regularly due to the lack of employment visa, and it was difficult for the Defendant to live in the Republic of Korea due to the lack of Korean language even if he/she works

On the other hand, on December 30, 2015, the defendant was the victim C(34 tax) and the married couple's family in China, and on the grounds that the ordinary child victim disregards his or her speech without his or her own speech, there was a complaint against the victim.

On January 7, 2018, the Defendant does not want to do any longer in Korea to the victim at the residence of the Defendant located D or 301 at Silung-si, Silung-si, 05.

A person who is unable to be employed;

It is too inconvenient.

Although "I am under the duty, I would like to report to the police because I would have been employed without being employed by the injured."

As a result of hearing the words "", etc., we tried to kill the victim.

Therefore, the Defendant collected the kitchen knife (19cm in length on the left side) in the kitchen and followed the victim who moves out of the house, followed by the second floor of the victim's left arms, and tried to kill the victim on at least 12 weeks of the victim's clothes, 2 times back to the second floor, and 3 times. However, the Defendant attempted to kill the victim on at least 12 weeks of the victim's clothes. However, due to the victim's escape, the Defendant attempted to kill the victim on at least 12 weeks of the victim. However, the Defendant did so in order to deprive the victim of the external skin flife loss, and to deprive the victim of the skin flife (4cm in length on the left side of the chest, 5cm in depth, 9cm in depth, 4cm in length on the left side, 8cm in depth, 8cm in depth on the left side of the chest, 8cm in heart shock, and damage the heart.

Accordingly, the defendant tried to kill the victim, but did not commit it but did not commit an attempted crime.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Each police seizure protocol (No. 6, 7 No. 500);

1. On-site identification records of the case;

1. A medical certificate;

1. Each gene appraisal document shall be subject to the law.
