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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2015.11.13 2015나51520

1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

Purport of claim and appeal

The first instance court.


기초 사실 ◎ 보험상품명: 무배당 퍼스트클래스종신보험 ◎ 피보험자: 원고 ◎ 보험수익자: 만기 상해시 원고, 사망시 상속인 ◎ 가입금액: 주보험 1억 원, 무배당종신입원특약 2,000만 원 ◎ 보험기간: 주보험 무배당종신입원특약 - 종신 ◎ 월 보험료: 158,000원 ◎ 주보험 보장내용 - 사망보험금: 사망 또는 제1급 장해시 ☞ 1억 원 - 재해장해급여금: 재해로 제2 내지 6급 장해시 ☞ 7,000만 원 ~ 1,000만 원 ◎ 주보험 약관내용 제30조 [보험금 등의 지급] ① 피고는 제29조(보험금 등 청구시 구비서류)에 정한 서류를 접수한 때에는 접수증을 교부하고, 그 서류를 접수한 날부터 3일 이내에 보험금 또는 해약환급금을 지급하거나 보험료의 납입을 면제하여 드립니다.

Provided, That where it is necessary to investigate or confirm the grounds for payment of insurance money or premiums, it shall be closed by paying insurance money or exempting the payment of insurance premiums within 10 days after receipt.

3. If the defendant considers it necessary to investigate or confirm the cause for payment under Paragraph 1, the insured shall agree to undergo the diagnosis of the doctor designated by the defendant, the examination of medical expenses, and other investigations (including submission of inspection data, etc. necessary for the diagnosis), unless there is any justifiable reason, and if the doctor designated by the insured and the defendant fail to reach an agreement, they may determine the third intention with the consent of the insured and the defendant, and comply with the third intention.

(Attachment 1) When the insured becomes disabled in Grades 2 through 6 in the disability classification table due to a disaster during the insurance period period, the disaster compensation benefits (attached Table 2) for the insured with 15% 10% 10% of the amount paid when he/she becomes disabled in Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 70% 50% 10% of the amount paid.
