Main Issues
[1] In a case where a leased house is sold at auction before the expiration of the lease term, whether the lessee with opposing power has the right to cancel the lease and the right to preferential reimbursement (affirmative) and the time when the termination takes effect
[2] In a case where a leased house is put up for auction before the expiration of the lease term, whether a demand for distribution by a lessee with opposing power may be deemed as an expression of intent to terminate the lease (affirmative)
Summary of Judgment
[1] Even if a lessee is entitled to oppose the assignee of a leased house, he/she may be exempted from the restraint of the succeeded lease relationship if he/she does not want to succeed to the lease relationship. Therefore, in cases where a leased house is sold at auction before the lease term expires, he/she may terminate the lease contract and claim preferential reimbursement by cancelling the lease. In such cases, the right to terminate the lease recognized as the lessee is based on the principle of fairness and good faith that if the lessee does not want to succeed to the lease as the leased house is sold at a successful bid without the lessee’s prior consent, the right to terminate the lease should be terminated by himself/herself
[2] In a case where a house which is the object of the lease is sold at an auction, the demand for distribution to the auction court without the expiration of the lease term is clearly expressed that the lessee with opposing power does not want to continue the lease relationship, and thus, barring any special circumstances, it can be deemed as an expression of intent for termination of the lease. Meanwhile, Article 606(1) of the Civil Procedure Act provides that the auction court shall notify the debtor of the fact of demand for distribution, and Article 728 of the Civil Procedure Act applies mutatis mutandis to an auction for the exercise of security right. As such, the auction court notifies the lessor of the fact of demand for distribution as prescribed in the above Article 728 of the Act, the termination notice shall be deemed to have reached the lessor immediately after the termination of the demand for distribution reaches the lessor through the court of auction, and the lease relationship is terminated upon the expiration of the lease term. Therefore, if the leased house is sold before the expiration of the lease term, the demand for distribution with opposing lessee and the notification of demand for distribution has reached the lessor, it constitutes the lessee's right to preferential payment under Article 3-2(1).
[Reference Provisions]
[1] Articles 3-2(1), 4, and 8(1) of the Housing Lease Protection Act; Article 618 of the Civil Act / [2] Articles 3-2(1), 4, and 8 of the Housing Lease Protection Act; Articles 605 and 606(1) of the Civil Procedure Act; Article 618 of the Civil Act
Plaintiff, Appellee
Seoul High Court Decision 200Na14488 delivered on August 1, 200
Defendant, Appellant
Defendant 1 and one other (Defendant’s future General Law Firm, Attorneys Park Hong-woo et al., Counsel for the defendant-appellant)
Judgment of the lower court
Seoul Private District Court Decision 94Na10251 delivered on June 17, 1994
The judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to the Seoul District Court Panel Division.
The defendants' grounds of appeal are examined.
1. 원심판결 이유에 의하면 원심은, 소외 1 소유이던 원심판시 별지 목록 기재 부동산에 관하여 1992. 5. 21. 채권최고액 금 37,500,000원, 채무자 소외 2, 근저당권자 소외 주식회사 부국상호신용금고로 된 순위 1번의 근저당권설정등기와 1992. 10. 26. 채권최고액 금 120,000,000원, 채무자 소외 3, 채권자 원고로 된 순위 2번의 근저당권설정등기 등이 경료된 사실, 위 소외 1은 1992. 4. 12. 위 부동산 중 방 1칸씩을, 피고 1에게는 임대보증금 10,000,000원에, 피고 2에게는 임대보증금 30,000,000원에, 각 기간의 약정이 없이 임대하였는데, 피고 1은 위 임대차계약 체결일에 위 부동산에 입주하고 같은 해 5. 18. 이전에 전입신고를 하였고, 피고 2는 그 임대차계약 체결 이전인 같은 해 4. 10. 위 부동산에 입주하고 그 다음날 전입신고를 하였으며, 그 후 피고들은 같은 해 10. 24. 그 임대차계약서상에 확정일자를 갖춘 사실, 위 부동산에 관한 근저당권자인 원고는 1993. 4. 1. 서울지방법원 서부지원에 청구금액을 금 29,404,144원 및 그에 대한 1992. 12. 31.부터 완제일까지 연 2할 5푼의 비율에 의한 지연손해금으로 하여 위 부동산에 대한 임의경매를 신청하였고, 그에 따라 위 지원이 1993. 4. 2. 경매개시결정을 하고, 같은 해 7. 19. 소외 4에게 경락대금 57,600,000원에 위 부동산의 경락을 허가하자, 위 소외 4는 그 후 위 경락대금을 모두 납부하고 위 부동산의 소유권을 취득(그 소유권이전등기는 1993. 9. 2. 경료하였다)한 사실, 위 경락대금의 배당절차에는 위 부국상호신용금고가 담보권자로서 배당신청을 한 외에, 피고들이 주택임대차보호법 소정의 임차인으로서 배당요구를 하였는데, 이에 위 지원은 1993. 9. 17. 배당기일에 위 경락대금 57,600,000원에서 집행비용 금 1,550,660원을 공제한 금 56,049,340원(=57,600,000-1,550,660)을 가지고 1순위 및 제3순위로 피고 1에게 합계 금 8,928,160원, 2순위로 소외 회사에게 금 27,839,570원, 3순위로 피고 2에게 19,281,610원을 각 배당하고, 4순위 배당권자인 원고에게는 그 잔여액이 없어서 전혀 배당을 하지 아니하는 내용의 배당표를 작성한 사실을 각 인정한 다음, 주택임대차보호법은 임대차는 그 등기가 없는 경우에도 임차인이 주택의 인도와 주민등록을 마친 때에는 그 익일부터 제3자에 대하여 효력이 있고, 그 경우에 임차주택의 양수인은 임대인의 지위를 승계하는 것을 규정하고( 제3조 제1 , 2항 ), 나아가 위 제3조 제1항 의 대항요건과 임대차계약서상의 확정일자를 갖춘 임차인은 민사소송법 및 경매법에 의한 경매 또는 국세징수법에 의한 공매시 임차주택(대지를 포함한다)의 환가금에서 후순위권리자 기타 채권자보다 우선하여 보증금을 변제받을 권리가 있다고 규정하여( 제3조의2 제1항 본문) 임차인 보호를 위하여 임차인이 우선변제청구권을 가지는 요건을 정하면서, 다만 임차인이 당해 주택의 양수인에게 대항할 수 있는 경우에는 임대차가 종료된 후가 아니면 보증금의 우선변제를 청구하지 못한다고 규정하여( 제3조의2 제1항 단서) 임대주택의 양수인과 후순위 채권자 사이의 이해조정을 도모하고 있고, 임차인의 보증금 중 일정액(소액보증금)에 대한 우선변제청구권 행사에도 위 단서조항을 준용하고 있으며( 제8조 제2항 ), 한편 기간의 정함이 없는 임대차는 그 기간을 2년으로 본다고 규정하고 있다( 제4조 제1항 )고 전제한 후, 앞에서 인정한 바와 같이 피고들은 위 부국상호신용금고 명의의 근저당권설정등기가 경료되기 이전에 주택임대차보호법 제3조 제1항 소정의 대항요건을 갖춤으로써 경락인인 위 소외 4에게 대항할 수 있고, 1992. 4. 12. 위 소외 1로부터 위 부동산의 각 일부를 기간의 약정 없이 임차하였으므로 그 임대차의 존속기한은 1994. 4. 12.까지임은 역수상 명백하여, 위 소외 4가 위 부동산의 소유권을 취득한 때나 이 사건 배당기일까지 위 임대차가 종료되지 않았다고 할 것이어서 피고들은 위 임대보증금의 우선변제를 청구할 수 없다고 판단하고, 나아가 피고 2의 해지 또는 임대차 종료 주장에 대하여, 위 피고가 위 소외 1과 사이에 1993. 5. 10.경 위 임대차계약을 합의해지하였다거나 같은 달 말일경 임대차 해지통고를 하였다는 점을 인정할 신빙성 있는 증거가 없고, 위 부동산을 경락받은 위 소외 4가 그 소유권을 취득하고 임대인으로서의 지위를 승계함으로써 위 소외 1이 임대인의 지위에서 벗어났을 뿐 위 소외 1과 위 피고의 임대차관계는 임대인의 지위가 위 소외 4에게 승계된 상태로 존속하는 것이라는 이유로 이를 배척하고, 또한 피고 2가 위 부동산경매절차에서 배당요구를 함으로써 임대차 해지의 의사표시를 하였으므로 위 임대차는 종료되었다고 주장함에 대하여, 위 피고가 배당절차에서 배당요구한 것을 가리켜 그것이 바로 원래의 임대인인 위 소외 1이나 위 소외 4에 대한 임대차 해지의 의사표시라고는 도저히 볼 수가 없다는 이유로 배척하여, 원고의 피고들에 대한 이 사건 배당이의 청구를 모두 인용하였다.
2. The court below's rejection of the above defendant's rejection of the above defendant's claim on the grounds that there is no evidence to support that defendant 2 agreed to the lease contract of this case with the non-party 1 on May 10, 1993 or notified the termination at the end of the same month, and there is no error of law of misconception of facts due to violation of the rules of evidence
3. In light of the purport of the provisions of Articles 3(1) and (2), 3-2(1) and (2), 4(2), and 8(1) and (2) of the Housing Lease Protection Act, a lessee who has opposing power prior to a mortgagee of a leased house under the same Act may claim the continuation of the lease relationship until he/she receives the return of the deposit against the transferee of the leased house, and the lessee has both the right to receive the preferential repayment of the specified amount of the deposit under the main sentence of Article 3-2(1) of the Act or the deposit under the provision of Article 8(3) of the Act, and in principle, one of the two rights can be selected, but in principle, one of the two rights can be exercised (see Supreme Court Decision 93Da39676, Dec. 24, 1993). However, even if the lessee is able to oppose the transferee of the leased house, if he/she does not have the right to claim a preferential repayment before the termination of the lease relationship, he/she can be seen as the right to claim a prior termination of the lease.
In addition, in case of an auction of a house which is the object of the lease, if the lessee with opposing power fails to have the term of lease expired, making a demand for distribution to an auction court shall clearly express that he does not want the continuation of the lease relationship, and thus, it may be deemed as an expression of intent for termination of the lease unless there are other special circumstances. Meanwhile, Article 606(1) of the Civil Procedure Act provides that the auction court shall notify the debtor of the fact of demand for distribution and Article 728 provides that Article 728 of the Civil Procedure Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an auction for the exercise of the security right. Thus, if the auction court notifies the lessor of the fact of demand for distribution as prescribed in the above Article 728, it shall be deemed that the termination notice was delivered to the lessor through the auction court, and the lease relationship shall be deemed as terminated
Therefore, in case where the leased house is put up for auction before the lease term expires, if the lessee with opposing power makes a demand for distribution and the notification of demand for distribution has reached the lessor, the lease relationship is terminated, and it does not fall under the proviso of Article 3-2 (1) of the Act, so it is necessary to recognize the lessee's preferential right to payment under the main sentence of Article 3-2 (1) of the Act or Article
According to the records of this case, Defendant 1 and Defendant 2, the lessee with the fixed date, both of the lessee who is the lessee with the small-sum lessee and the fixed date indicated in the attached list, the object of the lease of this case, are recognized as having filed an application for the request for distribution with the auction court on June 7, 1993, which was prior to the date of adjudication in the auction procedure of this case. The Defendants shall be deemed to have expressed their intent to terminate each lease contract by demanding the above distribution. Therefore, the court below should have examined whether the auction court, which received each demand for distribution from the Defendants, notified the defendants 1 and the lessor 1 of the termination notice of each demand for distribution in accordance with Articles 728 and 606(1) of the Civil Procedure Act. Nevertheless, the court below did not examine whether the above demand for distribution was effective as a notification of termination by the court of auction and did not examine whether the above demand for distribution was notified to Nonparty 1, the lessor, the lessor of this case, and it did not constitute an unlawful judgment as to the Defendants' right of preferential payment.
4. Ultimately, the court below erred in the misapprehension of legal principles as to preferential payment right under the Housing Lease Protection Act and affected the judgment, and the defendants' ground of appeal pointing this out is with merit.
Therefore, without examining the remaining grounds of appeal, the judgment below is reversed, and the case is remanded to the court below. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices.
Justices Park Jong-ho (Presiding Justice)