본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원여주지원 2017.07.06 2016가단53970

1. The Defendant’s KRW 3,540,00 and the Plaintiff’s annual rate of KRW 5% from July 23, 2016 to July 6, 2017.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff is a corporation established for the purpose of breeding, selling, and selling insects around June 2015, and the Defendant is a director of the Plaintiff company.

B. The Plaintiff used the vinyl located on the ground of Gyeonggi-gun D, the Defendant’s wife (hereinafter “instant breeding farm”), as an insect breeding ground, and the Plaintiff and the Defendant were dissatisfied with the problem of the fee, etc. of the instant breeding farm.

C. From June 10, 2016 to June 12, 2016, the Defendant obstructed the management of the Plaintiff’s insect breeding ground by leaving the front and rear door of the instant breeding ground and preventing employees belonging to the Plaintiff from leaving the said breeding ground. The Plaintiff failed to properly manage the instant breeding ground from that time until July 23, 2016.

An insect that the plaintiff purchased in KRW 3,540,00 and raised in the breeding ground of this case was living before the correction of the entrance of the above breeding ground by the defendant. However, when the plaintiff re-enters in the breeding ground, all of the insects were closed.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts that there is no dispute, Gap evidence 1 through 9 (including the provisional lot number list; hereinafter the same shall apply)

(i)each entry or video of the witness E, part of the witness E’s testimony and purport of the whole pleadings;

2. Determination on the occurrence and scope of liability for damages

A. According to the above facts, the defendant corrected the entrance entrance of the breeding ground of this case and obstructed the management of the plaintiff's breeding ground of not less than one month, thereby hindering the plaintiff's management work of the above breeding ground necessary for the normal breeding of insects. As a result, the insects raised by the plaintiff were all discarded, the defendant is liable to compensate the plaintiff for damages caused by the death of insects caused by the defendant's tort as above. 2) Accordingly, the defendant raised insects in the breeding ground of this case.
