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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2017.02.14 2016고단7350

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

The Bosishing organization, which is managed by the General Liability for Name Disscam, will provide a loan to an unspecified number of victims.

It is an organization composed of inducements to defraud the amount of damage by means of fraud, solicitation books to recruit the amount of damage, and books to deliver the amount of damage withdrawn from the owner of the account of the large-scale account by receiving the amount of damage from the above organization.

On March 2016, the Defendant received money from a person with no name known through the Internet job-seeking site and responded to the offer that 0.85% of the fee will be paid if he transfers money.

The defendant and the nameless Bosing staff members of the criminal defendant and the nameless Bosing phishing phishedly, if the inducement is obtained by deceiving the damaged amount, the criminal defendant would receive the damage amount from the account owner and transfer the damage amount to the above organization in order.

1. On October 13, 2016, the incentive for the victim C to the above organization shall be made by phone call to the victim C from the French land on October 13, 2016, and after misrepresenting the victim C with “0.3%, 19 million won shall be loaned.”

The credit rating shall be improved, and it shall be transferred to an account that is known to the public with a loan of 6 million won from the Etha Bag, the Business Loves.

“Along with the false statement, the victim shall transfer the amount of KRW 6 million to the F Account of the National Bank in the name of the Republic of Korea, the bank account, and the said E considers that the lending would be possible if the victim withdraws and delivers the said amount of damage, and the Defendant withdrawn the said amount of KRW 6 million. The Defendant received the name and the idea of increase from the above organization, and then remitted the amount of KRW 6 million from E to the above organization in the vicinity of the business territory, Jung-gu, Seoul.

As such, the Defendant, in collusion with the employees of the phishing type, acquired 6 million won from the injured party in collusion.

2. An influent incentive for the victim G with an influence of the fraud’s name shall be made at around October 13, 2016.
