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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2017.02.09 2016고단6934

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence No. 5 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Bosishing organization, which is managed by the general responsibility of name and incompetence, was involved in an offense after misrepresenting the investigative agency by calls to many unspecified victims.

It is an organization composed of inducements by deceptioning the amount of damage, solicitations by inviting the principal of the account in the large account to deposit the amount of damage, and deliverys by delivering the amount of damage withdrawn by the account holder to Bosishing organization after receiving the amount of damage withdrawn by the account holder.

피고인은 2016. 9. 5. 경 인터넷 구직사이트를 통해 알게 된 ‘D’, 위 챗 대화명 ‘E ’로부터 계좌 주를 만 나 돈을 받은 후 무통장 송금해 주면 일당 30만 원을 주겠다는 제안을 받고 이에 응하였다.

The Defendant and the nameless phishing staff members, when the inducement is obtained from victims, the Defendant, who received the personal information of the account principal from the solicitation book in advance, made the account holder withdraw the amount of damage and received the amount of damage from the account owner in order to transfer the amount of damage to the phishing organization.

1. On September 22, 2016, an infinite incentive for the organized organization has been taken place by misrepresenting the victim F to the prosecutor's office and investigator of the prosecutor's office and the investigator of the prosecutor's office.

In the name of FC, the website was established, and the loan was made in C&C, R&C, and R&C.

F. F.C. must verify whether the person is a suspect or a victim.

It is necessary to check the source of the money deposited in the FC account and to withdraw and transfer the money to the account of the person in charge.

‘Falsely speaking, the victim should transfer KRW 15 million to the H account in the name of G, the Daecheon-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City. On the same day, the Defendant was running the above G as the D agency of the Savings Bank D on the same day, and the Defendant deposited the loan into the account in order to reduce the loan by accumulating the transaction performance.
