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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.05.31 2015재고합14 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] On February 19, 199, the defendant was sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment and 2 years of suspended sentence for an attempt of special larceny in Seoul Southern District Court, and on November 30, 199, the defendant was sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment and 10 months of short term, 2 years of imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime in the same court on December 23, 2003, and completed the execution of the sentence in Gyeyang District Court on June 11, 201.

[Criminal facts] The Defendant habitually commits the crime

1. 2012. 3. 1. 19:00 경 서울 강서구 C 1 층에 있는 피해자 D의 집에 이르러 시정되지 않은 창문을 열고 집안으로 침입하여 그곳 안방과 작은 방에 있던 피해자 소유의 시가 32만 원 상당의 아이 팟 1대, 20만 원 상당의 소니 디지털 카메라 1대, 시가 미상의 14k 반지 6개, 휴대전화 1대와 우리은행 500만 원권 가계 수표 5매를 가지고 나와 절취하고,

2. On March 16, 2012, at around 19:00, a theft with a 150,000 won in cash, from the victim F, who was prepared in advance to live in the house of the victim F in Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan E branch, and opened a window and intrudes into the house and laid down inside the house and laid down under the inside and outside the house, of the victim’s market price of the amount of KRW 2.5 million in the amount of KRW 4,500,000,000 in the market price of the victim’s possession;

3. At around 19:00 on March 30, 2012, at around 19:0, the victim H located in Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government: (a) sought a window for the crime prevention of a crime committed in the window by double descendants; (b) opened the window and intrudes into the house; and (c) one fat of swine fat with approximately 30,000 won in the street owned by the victim located in the room; and (d) one fat of the main body of the computer consisting of approximately 8,000 won in the market price; and (e) two 14km in the market price equivalent to KRW 350,00 in the amount of KRW 10,00.
