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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2018.01.24 2017고단2093

The defendant shall be sentenced to the punishment of larceny, larceny, attempted larceny, fraud, and attempted fraud in one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant was sentenced to two years and six months of imprisonment with prison labor for an attempt to commit a special robbery in the Young-gu branch of the Chuncheon District Court on April 30, 2015. On June 22, 2017, the first school district court of North Korea's Gyeong-do has terminated the execution of the sentence.

[Criminal Facts]

1. On September 1, 2017, at the 103 front parking lot located in the Daegu-gu, Daegu-ro 40:00, the Defendant put the victim C’s Dpoter cargo gate into the key hole and opened it by means of the above stringing, and 10 copies of credit cards, such as Daegu-ro credit cards, and physical check cards, at the market price of the victim’s possession, stored within the said parking lot, and 40:0,00,000.

L. L. L.C. theft.

2. The Defendant, at around 02:10 on September 1, 2017, at the previous parking lot of 102, the last 102, the Defendant, who was parked there in the same manner as described in paragraph 1, taken off the goods equivalent to KRW 9,00 in tobacco 2A and cash 1,490, the sum of KRW 10,490, and the goods equivalent to KRW 10,490 in total.

L. L. L.C. theft.

3. On September 1, 2017, the Defendant: (a) placed the victim G’s H Poter Cargo Sheet in the vicinity of the Taegu Seo-gu, Daegu-gu, 171, and opened the victim’s property owned by the victim by inserting the door of the victim G’s H Poter Cargo Sheet parked at that place, and then stiffing it below it; (b) held the victim’s property stored in the facility.

In other words, it was colored by means of theft, but it was done with the wind that does not find stolen objects.

On April 30, 2015, the Defendant was sentenced to two years and six months of imprisonment with prison labor for an attempt to commit a special robbery in the Young-gu branch of the Chuncheon District Court on April 30, 2015. On June 22, 2017, the first school district court of North Korea's Gyeong-do has terminated the execution of the sentence.

[Criminal Facts]

1. Section 12:10 on August 17, 2017, the Defendant, in front of the J’s “J” located in J, J, the victim K, parked therein, put the door door into the key hole of the victim K, and opened by means of the following strawing, and kept in the door.
