본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2009.9.10.자 2009카합176 결정

A provisional disposition prohibiting defamation, etc. 209Kahap176


1. A;

2. B accounting;

3. C.

4. Incorporated Association D;

The debtor

1. Border-do;

2. Cheongdo-gun:

Date of decision

September 10, 2009


1. The motion of this case is all dismissed against the obligor of creditor B. 2. Any motion filed against the obligor of creditor A, C, and D, an incorporated association:

A. Paragraph 1 of the purport of the application is dismissed, and Paragraph 2 of the purport of the application is dismissed.

3. The filing costs shall be borne by creditors.

Purport of application

1. 채무자 경상북도는 "E"이라는 제목의 용역보고서의 내용 중 "경상북도 청도군 F리가 우리나라 G운동의 발상지'라는 취지가 기재된 부분을 전시, 배포, 공표하는 등 기타 일체의 행위를 하여서는 아니 되고, 위 용역보고서에 대한 점유를 풀고 채권자들이 위임하는 관할 집행관에게 그 보관을 명하며, 채무자들은, "위 F리가 우리나라 G운동의 발상지"라는 취지의 기재가 담긴 문서나 도화, 사진영상, 씨디(CD)등 파일장치, 표지석, 홍보물, 영상물 등을 제작, 설치, 인쇄, 전시, 배포하기나 기타 부수된 일체의 행위를 하여서는 아니 되고, "위 B리가 G운동의 발상지(發祥地)"라는 것에 관한 채권자들의 명예와 신용을 해하는 행위를 하여서는 아니 된다.

2. 채무자들은 채권자들이 "경상북도 B리가 G운동의 발상지(發祥地)"라는 취지의 기재가 담긴 문서나 도화, 사진영상, 씨디(CD) 등 파일 장치, 표지석, 홍보물, 영상물 등을 제작, 설치, 인쇄, 전시, 배포하거나 기타 부수된 일체의 행위를 하는 것을 방해하여서는 아니 된다.


1. Basic facts

In full view of the records and the overall purport of the examination of the case, the following facts are substantiated.

A. The creditor A is a City Council member belonging to H constituency, and the creditor C is a resident of the above B Ri as of September 1971 as the head of Dong of Dong of Dong, and the creditor incorporated association is a non-corporate group established as a non-corporate group under the headquarters of the G Movement Central Headquarters pursuant to Article 2 of the Saemaul Movement Organization Support Act (amended by Act No. 3269 of December 13, 1980).

B. On September 17, 1971, J gave attention to the purport that "the head of the national Si/Gun takes charge of the comparative administrative council with the national head of the Si/Gun, who inspects G tending projects, and "B" in the local inspection of "B", "the head of the Si/Gun provides guidance and practice like K Hadong, thereby creating a 'self-help, self-reliance, and cooperative spirit' in the spirit of "G movement spirit".

C. After that, in the above Bridong Village, the cover "G movement development site" and "J test commemorative expenses" were established, from around 2007 to around 70,000, the government subsidy of approximately KRW 4.1 billion, KRW 70,000,000,000,000,000 in Si, and KRW 2.33,00,000,000,000,000.

2. Creditors' assertion

In producing printed matters in the item of "E", even though the debtor's Habri (hereinafter referred to as "B interest") is the origin of the G movement, the debtor's Habri-do includes and publicly announce the fact that the Habri-gun, Cheongdo-gun, Cheongdo-gun, Cheongbri-do (hereinafter referred to as "Fri-do") is the origin of the G movement, and the debtor's Cheongdo-gun is promoting "Fri" as the origin of the G movement, manufactures and distributes various promotional materials, and manufactures and distributes them at the above Fri-do community center, so that "Fri-do" is mistaken for the origin of the G movement, thereby infringing the creditors' reputation with great pride as to whether the 'Bri-do-gun' is the origin of the G movement, and thus infringing the creditors' reputation, which is the debtor's personality rights, the creditor's right of prohibition against the above act of infringing the creditor's reputation, on the other hand, the creditor's right of prohibition against the above act of infringement.

3. Whether he is qualified as an applicant for creditor B objection;

Inasmuch as an unincorporated association or foundation may become a party to a civil lawsuit if a representative or manager exists, if a natural village is a body of a social organization in which the decision-making body and the executive body are appointed for its own proper purpose with its own members as its members, it shall be deemed that it has the ability to exercise the right as a non-corporate group. However, in order to recognize the existence of a natural village as a non-corporate group, first of all, it should be recognized that there was rules or customs on the scope of members of the natural village, the unique nature of the natural village, the existence of a representative, and the existence of a natural father-making body and its organization and operation (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2006Da64573, Dec. 7, 2007).

However, the data submitted by the above creditor alone is insufficient to vindicate the facts that the above creditor has carried out its own activities as a social organization since the scope of the above creditor's members and the nature of the above creditor's unique duties, and furthermore, it cannot be deemed that the above creditor has the capacity to be a party as a non-corporate body because it is difficult to find out the existence of rules or customs on convening procedures of a community meeting and the method of selecting representatives.

4. Determination as to the remaining obligees' motion

A. As to Paragraph 1 of the purport of the application

1) Determination on the legitimacy of the petition

민사집행법 제300조 제2항의 임시의 지위를 정하는 가처분은 당사자 사이에 다툼이 있는 권리관계가 존재할 때에 계속하는 권리관계에 끼칠 현저한 손해를 피하거나 급박한 위험을 막기 위하여, 또는 그 밖의 필요한 이유가 있을 경우에 한하여 하여야 하고, 또한 민법 제764조에서 말하는 명예란 사람의 품성, 덕행, 명성, 신용 등 세상으로부터 받는 객관적인 평가를 말하고, 명예훼손이란 사람의 그와 같은 사회적 평가를 저하시,키는 행위를 의미하며 단순히 주관적으로 명예감정이 침해되었다고 주장하는 것만으로는 명예훼손이 되지 않는다(대법원 1992. 10. 27. 선고 92다756 판결 참조).이 사건에서, 위 채권자들은, J이 1971. 9. 17. 전국 시장, 군수 비교행정회의를 주관하고 전국 3만 3,000개 마을 중 유일하게 위 'B리' 마을을 현지 시찰하여 그 동안의 G가꾸기 사업의 실태를 확인하는 자리에서 "전국 시장, 군수는 K동 부락과 같이 지도하고 실천하여 '자조, 자립, 협동정신'이 곧 'G운동 정신이니 그런 정신주입에 점화 역할을 하라'고 했다는 이유로 'B리'가 G운동의 발상지(發祥地)라고 주장하고, 채무자들은, J이 1969. 8. 4. 무렵 경남 일원의 수해복구현장을 시찰하기 위해 부산으로 가던 중 마을 주민 스스로가 지붕을 개량하고, 담장을 정돈하는 등 잘 가꾸어져 있는 마을인 F리를 둘러보고 마을 사람들의 자발적인 자조정신과 협동심에 큰 감동을 받은 것을 계기로 G운동을 구상하였다는 이유로 'F리'가 G운동의 발상지(發想地)라고 하여 서로 다른 주장을 하고 있는바, 이는 결국 위 마을들이 각자 G운동에 기여한 일종의 사실을 기초로 하여 채권자들은 G운동이라는 역사적인 일이 처음으로 일어난 곳이라는 의미로 發 祥地라고, 채무자들은 G운동이라는 새로운 생각을 처음으로 궁리한 곳이라는 의미로 發想地라고 각 주장하는 것으로, 발상지라는 개념에 대한 서로 다른 주관적인 기준과 판단에 따른 다툼에 불과하여, 이 사건 다툼이 법원이 판단하여야 할 법률상 권리관계에 대한 분쟁에 해당한다고 보기 어렵고, 또한 가사 신청취지 제1항 기재 행위를 채무자들이 한다고 하더라도 'B리'가 G운동의 발전에 기여한 사실 자체가 부정당하는 것이 아니라, 단지 상대적으로 G운동의 기여도에 대한 위상에 변화가 생기는 것과 같은 외양이 나타나게 되는 것에 불과하여, 법원이 개입하여 보호하여야 할 가치가 있을 정도로 위 채권자들의 객관적인 사회적 평가가 저하되는 피해를 입게 된다고 보기 어려우므로, 위 채권자들이 이 사건 가처분 신청의 피보전권리로 주장하는 위와 같은 명예 내지 명예감정은 법률상 보호되는 이익에 해당한다고 볼 수 없다.

2) Additional determination as to the right to be preserved

According to the records of this case, the above creditors' motion was lawful, on April 2, 1970, G G 100's motion was issued at the local minister's meeting on the premise that G 1's self-help effort was conducted on the basis of the cooperation between farmers, related agencies and leaders, and that G 2's motion was conducted on the basis of the exemplary 33,00 village with the support of the government in 1971, on the basis that G 1's motion was conducted on the basis of the first 7th anniversary of the above 7th anniversary of the above 7th anniversary of the above 1970 G 1's motion, the government selected an exemplary 9th of the G 1's order to promote G 2's self-support and the first 9th of the G 33,00 local government's order to promote the G 37th of the 1971.

B. With respect to Paragraph 2 of the purport of the motion, the above obligees seek against the obligor the prohibition of interference with the above obligees' acts of externally publicizing the fact that B interest is the origin of G sports, and therefore, the above obligees' claims for this part of the motion need to be preserved only in cases where the above obligees' actions are emergency and provisional disposition, and where the provisional disposition which determined temporary status is not permitted, it can be recognized that the necessity of preservation can be recognized only in cases where the right holder's urgent risk or irrecoverable damage occurs if it is not permitted to do so, and there is no evidence as to the fact that the obligor interferes with the above acts of the above obligees. Thus, the above obligees's claims for this part

5. Conclusion

Therefore, the motion of this case by the creditor B and the motion of the remaining creditors as to Paragraph 1 of the purport of the motion is unlawful and all of them are dismissed. The motion of the remaining creditors as to Paragraph 2 of the purport of the motion is dismissed as it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.

September 10, 2009


The presiding judge, the negative judge and the subordinate judge;

Plastics of board judges;

Judges Park Jae-min
