본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2017.08.11 2017고단2507


A Imprisonment for ten months, Defendant B's imprisonment for six months, Defendant C, D, and E respectively for a fine of five million won.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and B violated the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint injury) on June 12, 2017: (a) around 07:00, the Defendants drinking alcohol, such as C, D, etc., at the main point of “J” located in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju, and drinking alcohol together with the Victim K (24 tax) and L, with the Defendant’s excessive inside of Defendant A; and (b) Defendant A, while drinking alcohol together with Defendant A, had a good appraisal by Defendant A, along with Defendant A’s table, and “I will go through Korea, so that M will go through Korea” and “I will go through and go through Korea.

After that, when Defendant A finds L smoking tobacco in front of the above main point and wants to take a bath, Defendant A hear the horses from the victim from the main point of the mast to "I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am am I am I am am I am am I am am I am am I am am I am I am am I am I am am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am you am I am I am you am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am.....

As a result, the Defendants jointly put the victim in mind with the number of days of treatment in mind.

2. From June 12, 2017, the Defendants, who interfered with the Defendants’ performance of official duties, received 112 reports on the above violence of Defendant A and Defendant B from the long distance prior to the main point of “J” around June 12, 2017.
