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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.02.09 2017고합440

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

The information on the accused shall be disclosed and notified for a period of three years: Provided, That the subject shall be.


Punishment of the crime

[2] On October 31, 2014, the Daegu District Court sentenced the Defendant to imprisonment with labor for not more than ten months for fraud and completed the execution of the sentence on November 22, 2015.

[Criminal facts] 2017 Gohap 440

1. From around 14:00 on May 13, 2017 to around 15:30 on the same day, the Defendant was forced to commit an indecent act: (a) at the shop in the Daegu Aromaro-Maro-gu, Daegu Simgu; (b) “E”; (c) the victim’s bridge during the victim F (V, 22 years old); and (d) the victim’s bridge was shot and shot; and (c) the victim’s chest was shotd with his/her finger.”

The phrase "" was called.

Accordingly, the Defendant committed an indecent act on the part of the victim.

2. A similar rape: (a) around 14:00 on May 14, 2017, the Defendant: (b) put a fladala (Tdalaf) drug in a coffee container; and (c) did not notify the victim of the above fact in order to determine whether to mathize with having a coffee in the container of plastic materials; (d) fladalaf; and (c) flad the victim’s chest in hand by suppressing the damaged person by force; (d) flabing the victim’s chest into the victim’s panty; and (e) fladala, flad the victim’s finger; and (e) fladala.

As a result, the defendant included his fingers in the victim's sexual intercourse and raped the victim.

"2017 Gohap 456"

3. Fraud;

A. On January 4, 2017, the Defendant committed the crime against the victim G refers to “I” sub-management shop located in Nam-gu, Daegu Hamman, Daegu H, and the Defendant, even if the Defendant wants to purchase a brand 's brand 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 3.80,00 won,” the Defendant, despite having no intent or ability to seek the above product, made the victim’s 's 's 3.80,00 won 's 's 's 's 's 's 's
