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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2013.12.13 2013고합150

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.

The defendant's information about the defendant shall be made through an information and communications network for five years.


Criminal facts

On June 22, 2007, the defendant and the person to whom the attachment order was requested (hereinafter referred to as the "defendant") were sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years to imprisonment for a violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury, deadly weapon, etc.) at the Ulsan District Court, which was sentenced to a suspended sentence of three years. On October 7, 2008, the Ulsan District Court sentenced on three years to imprisonment for a violation of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and the Protection of Victims (special rape) at the Ulsan District Court, which became final and conclusive on April 9, 2009.

On June 26, 2011, the Defendant terminated the execution of the said final sentence in the medical institution for the Government, and on April 15, 2013, the execution of the sentence that has been invalidated by the North Korean Vocational Training Prison was terminated.

At around 04:35 on June 6, 2013, the Defendant discovered the victim D (20 years of age) who is mixed in the crosswalk of the arm’s length distance in Ulsan-dong, Ulsan-gu, Incheon-do, and found the victim into neighboring telecoming and rape, putting the victim’s seat into the seat of a motor vehicle, which is a thing dangerous to the left hand, with a view to getting the victim into neighboring telecoming and committing rape, and threatening the victim’s neck, but the victim was also refused to spawn and complete this, and the victim exceeded the floor.

The defendant continued to walk the victim's neck with a single hand, string the victim's neck with one hand, and fastening the victim's neck, and string the victim's seat on the top of the string of the string, with the victim's neck, and string it on the top of the string of the string, and string the string of the string, the string of the string, the string of the string, the string of the string of the string, the string of the string, the string of the string of the string, and the string of the string that the string of the string of the string of the string, and the string of the string, could not be achieved by the victim's escape

The defendant has the key to the automobile, which is a dangerous thing.
