본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2017.01.18 2014가단23135

1. The Defendants are to the Plaintiff.

A. The same list among each real estate indicated in the attached list No. 1 as “the indication of real estate.”


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The plaintiff clan as a party is composed of the members of the clan in order to preserve and manage the clan property while the plaintiff clan 61 descendants of L and strengthening the friendship and ties of the members of the clan. The defendants are the successors of the network N (S) which is the clan of the plaintiff clan.


The name of a clan was originally the same as that of B, but it was changed to that of A through the special general meeting on October 18, 2014.

B. The grounds for subdivision of each land listed in the separate sheet Nos. 1 and 2 are as follows: 2,83 of Jinjin-gu Pream and Q 3,752 of Jinjin-gu Pream and Q 3,752 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the land before subdivision”).

A) A State (State) was under the name of the State on March 31, 1915, and on July 7, 1922, the net R (S, hereinafter referred to as “S”).

(2) On October 29, 1946, the land before subdivision was partitioned as follows.

After the subdivision of the land before the subdivision, the land was subdivided into 2,883 P tree 1,39 square meters (4,624 square meters) T 1,484 square meters (4,906 square meters) T 3,752 square meters Q 1,633 square meters (5,398 square meters) U forest 2,119 square meters (7,004 square meters (hereinafter referred to as “after the subdivision”), 3,000 square meters in total, the land was subdivided into 1,39 (4,624 square meters) and 1,39 square meters in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Seoul Special Metropolitan City 2,50 square meters in P forest 1,397 square meters (4,624 square meters) and 1,635 square meters in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, the Seoul Special Metropolitan City 2, 450 square meters in 50 square meters in Seoul Special Metropolitan City (4,624 square meters in Seoul Special Metropolitan City prior to 205 square meters).

C. On April 25, 1962, each of the lands listed in the separate sheet No. 1 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “instant land”) divided as above, such as the transfer of ownership with respect to the land after division, etc., the registration of ownership transfer was completed in the name of 22, such as the net N, etc., the cause of the clan of the Plaintiff clan on April 25, 1962, and T and U forests are 1/13 each in the name of 13 persons, such as the network N, etc., the cause of the clan of the Plaintiff clan on the same day.
