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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2014.01.28 2013고단2749

1. The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months;

2. 1,300,000 won shall be additionally collected from a defendant.


Punishment of the crime

On June 30, 2011, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, Etc. at the Seoul Central District Court on June 30, 201, and on October 23, 2012, the Defendant is a person with the same kind of power two times more in addition to the completion of the execution of the sentence at the Seoul Detention Center.

Criminal facts

1. On January 4, 2013, the Defendant: (a) delivered 400,000 won of a philopon to a patrolman C; (b) purchased the boxes in D Cargo Handling Places around 19:00 on January 4, 2013; and (c) purchased the boxes using approximately 1g of a philopon (10 column for a disposable injection machine) sent by C as a part of express bus freight, along with E.

2. At around 21:00 on the same day, the Defendant provided, at the Defendant’s house located in the Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government F apartment No. 104 817, one disposable injection machine containing approximately 0.2 gramphones, to E without compensation.

3. On January 1, 2013, the Defendant: (a) paid 400,000 won for a philopon to the Defendant, and (b) purchased, at D Freight Offices around 14:00 on January 15, 2013, approximately 1g of a philopon (10 column for a disposable injection) sent by the said C as a part of express bus freight at D Freight Offices.

4. At around 21:00 on the same day, the Defendant provided, at the home of the above Defendant, a disposable injection device containing approximately 0.2g of philopon E, free of charge.

5. On February 2013, the Defendant paid KRW 400,000 to the police officer of the Republic of Korea, and on February 21, 2013, on the front of G convenience points located in the f apartment complex of Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government on the 19:00, the Defendant purchased the cargo loaded in the box by dividing the 1gopon into two for a one-time-time-time-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-use-based-use-based-use-based-use-of-service-delivery, and then purchasing the cargo loaded in the box from Kwikset Services

6. At around 21:00 on the same day, the Defendant provided, at the home of the Defendant, a disposable injection machine with approximately 0.2 grams of philopon E, free of charge.

7. The Defendant is located in Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government H between October 19, 2013 and 21:00.
