1. From October 31, 2013 to September 13, 2017, Defendant Medical and Co-Medical Foundation: (a) KRW 22,00,000 to the Plaintiff; and (b) as to the Plaintiff, the Medical and Co-Medical Foundation.
1. 사실관계 [인정근거] 다툼 없는 사실, 갑 1∽5호증, 을 1호증의 각 기재, 카톨릭대학교 서울성모병원장에 대한 진료기록감정촉탁결과, 변론 전체의 취지 (1) 망 C(이하 ‘망인’)은 2006경 소뇌성 운동실조증에 대하여 산업재해 승인을 받아 요양 중인 환자로 피고 재단 운영의 광명예지원요양병원(이하 ‘피고 병원’)에서 치료를 받다가 2013. 10. 31. 09:18경 사망하였다.
The plaintiff is the spouse of the deceased and has 1 South son and female under the chain, and the defendant B is the doctor belonging to the defendant hospital.
(2) The Deceased had received long-term hospitalized treatment due to the inconvenience caused by cerebral cerebral cerebrovascularism, etc., as follows.
① On September 16, 2013, antibiotics were administered under the suspicion of hypitis.
(2) No. 16, 2013 No. 1004, Oct. 16, 2013
K. Numoniae,
P. On October 18, 2013, chest x-ray test added antibiotics to waste confluences, such as the increase of hzi business to both sophest spest x-ray test, and a large amount of hzi hzi sphers hives in an augosa.
③ On October 23, 2013, MOSA was detected for the cultivation test, and the type of antibiotics was replaced with Vancomycin and isolated.
④ At around 19:30 on October 29, 2013, he/she observed 60cc from L-Bbe and took temporary blood pressure down (66/46mHg) and transferred to an ancient Daegu Hospital at around 17:42 on October 17, 2013, he/she re-hospitalizes at the time of re-hospitalizes, at around 100/70mHg of blood pressure at the time of re-hospitalizes, at around 72 times, beer 72 times at the time of re-hospitalizes, and 20 times at the time of re-hospitalizes, and 36.4mH, health temperature 90/50mHg, beer 65 times, 20 minutes, 370mHgs, and 370mHgs, and 93% of the deceased’s diversium and diversium supply at around 37:270% of the deceased’s divers supply (the same shall apply).
Temporary blood pressure (BP) 10/30 22:30 37.5 22:37.7 37.7 10/310 160/10 160 160/10 60 160/100 1238.10 601:20 70/50 107 107 507 39.6 102:10 90/60 10 90/60 390 03:00 90/60 108.