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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.06.12 2018가합521135

1. The defendant's seal to the plaintiff (Appointeds) and the Appointors in the annexed Form 2's "request and the cited amount sheet".


1. Basic facts

A. From September 201, the Defendant, from around September 201, recruited investors through crowdfunding, purchased unlisted stocks to investors, sold stocks to investors, and offered profits from the management of stocks for investors when the agreed profit realization time comes, or raised funds from a number of investors, including the Plaintiffs and designated parties, by creating a private investment association, an undisclosed investment association, or an undisclosed investment association under the pretext of a specific item of investment, with an investment amount of 20% of the management fees deducted from the management fees, thereby making an investment in the relevant investment business and paying profits at the time of profit realization.

B. The plaintiffs and the designated parties have concluded each investment contract after hearing the above explanation from the defendant. Each investment item, investment amount, and earnings of the plaintiffs and the designated parties are as shown in the attached Table 3.

(hereinafter referred to as the “instant investment issues”) c. of the investment items described in the said detailed statement.

The Defendant and its employees engaged in financial investment business without obtaining authorization from the Financial Services Commission, as stated in the “criminal facts” column of the following table in the process of soliciting investment money, and engaged in the act of defraudation of investment money and the act of receiving money in a similar manner.

Defendant employees in violation of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act: (a) after purchasing the stocks of an unlisted company, sell them to investors; or (b) agree to manage funds by raising investment funds from investors in the name of a private investment association or an undisclosed investment association under the pretext of a private investment association or an undisclosed investment association, and then, (c) raise investment funds from investors in the course of profit-making; and (d) engage in financial investment business (investment trading business and collective investment business). However, the minimum amount for protecting investors is required.
