본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 강릉지원 2014.09.03 2014고단628


A and B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and by imprisonment with prison labor for six months.

provided that this ruling has become final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime


A and Defendant B are married with each other, and Defendant C is the latter part of Defendant B.

On July 9, 2014, at the same time on July 22:50, 2014, the Defendants were h (51) of the victims of the G District in the East Sea Police Station G District (51 years old), h (32 years old, n) of the police officer of the East Sea Police Station G District, and h (32 years old, and n) of the police officer I (32 years old and n) who called “the report of disturbance entered the house two times,” and Defendant B was unable to avoid any disturbance by hing the victims, such as “the police officer should do so,” and “the police officer must do so.”

The victim I started to take a dynamic image of a mobile phone in order to photograph the body of the police officer who was dispatched to the scene by Defendant B while taking a bath to the police officer, and the defendant A started to take a dynamic image in order to prevent the husband from taking a hump of her hump. In order to prevent the victim I from taking a hump of her husband’s hump, "Pump" was made twice the victim I’s hump while taking a hump of her husband’s hump., and the victim’s face was


B For the foregoing reasons, the victim H tried to arrest the Defendant A, who is his wife, as an offender in the act of obstruction of performance of official duties, and the victim H expressed that the victim H “I see this dog, width,” “I see,” and the victim H saw the breath of the victim’s head by killing the breath, and by hand, five times the victim’s head.


C In this regard, the victim I was unable to take a video image, carried the victim I's body and body with arms, sealed the victim I's body, closed the victim I's bridge so that the victim I could not get out of the patrol vehicle, caused the victim I's bridge to go off the patrol vehicle, and tried to drive the patrol vehicle without permission on the driver's seat of the opened patrol vehicle.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to interfere with the legitimate execution of duties concerning the handling of the victim I's 112 reported case, and at the same time, the victims I need to receive approximately 10 days medical treatment.
