본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2015.08.24 2015고합42


A, C, and D shall be punished by imprisonment for 2 years, and by imprisonment for 3 years, respectively.

However, Defendant A, C, and D.


Punishment of the crime


A is K cafeteria workers, the university students in Defendant B, the high school students in Defendant C, and the Defendants in the position of Defendant D are the front line.

From around 21:00 on April 18, 2015 to the effect that the Defendants drink Ma, M with a primary victim N (n, 16 years of age), victim-friendly O (n, 16 years of age), etc. in the residence of Defendant A, from around 21:00 to 101, and drink 16 years following the following day, they want to sexual assault the victim in the order of division into the following: (a) the Defendants are able to see and drink the victim who talked with the victim at around 00:00 on the bend; and (b) the Defendants are able to see the victim’s sexual intercourse in the order of division into the following stories.

At around 02:00 on April 19, 2015, Defendant A entered the room first, and told Defendant A that “I will see the victim’s face, and have the victim go back again and Defendant B “I will refuse to do so. I will enter the room. I will see. B. I will see. I will see. I will see. I will see............. I will see the victim’s gate and open the victim’s gate to the right door. I will see the victim’s gate and open the victim’s gate. I will am off the victim’s gate and open the victim’s gate. I will am off the victim’s gate. I will am off the victim’s gate and put his gate into the victim’s gate back and open the victim’s gate.”

Accordingly, Defendant A again committed an indecent act by entering the room, kis the victim, kis, inserting the fingers into the victim’s lower part, inserting the fingers into the victim’s sexual flag, placing the victim’s fingers more than once, following the indecent act by: Defendant C, entering the room, leading the victim to the victim’s side, leading the victim to the victim’s dispatch and the half of the victim’s body; Defendant D, after entering the room, kids the victim, kids, kids, by inserting the fingers into the room, and kid against the victim’s inception.

Accordingly, Defendant A, C, and D are unable to resist in the state of detention in collaboration with Defendant B.
