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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2013.10.02 2012가합19923
임시공동의회결의부존재확인 등

1. Of the lawsuits against Defendant D, a resolution of the Korea War Veterans Association B church on November 25, 2012 by the temporary joint council of the Korea War Veterans Association.


1. Facts of premise;

A. The dispute between the defendant B church and the removal and removal from office against the defendant D are as follows: 1) The defendant B church is as follows: the defendant B church is as the defendant's representative and the defendant D is as the consolidated church of Korea. (hereinafter "integrated church").

) E Workers’ Association (hereinafter referred to as “E Workers’ Association”)

As a branch church belonging to the branch church, H retired from the office of the director-general of the defendant B church on December 21, 2003, the defendant D was appointed as the director-general of the defendant B church on the same day. 2) After that, there was a dispute between the members of the defendant B church and the members of the defendant D, who are the director-general, who are the defendant D, who are the director-general, around April 2004. Since that time, there occurred various conflicts, such as the worship of the other party, obstruction of the other party's worship and the other party's side, slandering the other party, and exercising violence.

3) On April 10, 2005, Defendant D convened a general meeting of the members of the Defendant B church, centering on the members who belong to himself, and the above general meeting passed a resolution to leave the association of the affiliated religious order and to join the association of the Korean independent religious association. However, as the above federation withdraws its approval on the ground that the dispute is ongoing in the defendant B association, the members of the defendant D and the defendant D joined the Korea Joint Religious Association on June 21, 2005 through the Korea Joint Religious Association on April 10, 2005 (hereinafter the above resolution to leave the joint religious association on April 10, 2005).

4) On April 28, 2005, the trial court under the E-EU dismissed Defendant D from the position of a pastor of the integrated school group, and removed from the office at Defendant B.

5) Meanwhile, after the Plaintiff was dispatched from the E Labor Association on November 22, 2011 to the temporary chairperson of the Defendant B church, the Plaintiff has been performing his duties as the representative of the Defendant B church (hereinafter “the group of the members who follow the consolidated church including the Plaintiff”) (hereinafter “Plaintiff members”).

6) Defendant D’s members on April 2005.
