본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2016.06.23 2015고단4278


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for eight months and by imprisonment for six months.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime


On March 14, 2012, A was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act (compact) at the Suwon Franchising Station, and the execution of the sentence was terminated on January 15, 2013.

[Presumption Facts] Defendant A is a person who actually operates F Co., Ltd. on the Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government E and 2 (hereinafter “F”), the husband of G, the representative director of the said F, and Defendant B is a person who has been in office as the above F Co., Ltd. from February 5, 2013 to June 2013, and H was a person who served as a managing director of the said F from August 2008 to June 2013.

On May 10, 2012, the victim I is the representative of the Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government business office located in the Gangseo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government J (hereinafter referred to as the "Gigu business office"), and the victim K is a person working as the head of the above business office of Gangseo-gu, and the victims purchased approximately 40 vehicles necessary for Yak's business from April 2012, and registered the vehicle in the name of F with no separate branch office registered. In the case of purchasing vehicles, the vehicle was registered in the name of F, the head office.

After that, the payment of installments, insurance premiums, etc. was used for sirens business.

[2] The Defendants and H (Suspension of indictment on the same day) did not pay installments to vehicles used by the victims for sirens at the strong place of business, and there was a civil criminal dispute between F and the strong place of business. The Defendants and H (Suspension of Prosecution on the same day) conspired without permission for a vehicle under custody for sirens in writing at the strong place of business.


A directed Defendant B and H to have a vehicle in the strong place of business and Defendant B employed Defendant B as F with a person who assists in the work coming from a vehicle in the strong place of business without permission, and H, along with Defendant B’s non-employment employees, on April 24, 2013, the victims of Gangseo-gu Seoul, Gangseo-gu. 14.
