본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.09.07 2017가단203793

1. The Defendants jointly share KRW 10,000,000 with respect to Plaintiff A and the period from November 6, 2015 to September 7, 2018.


Basic Facts

- The defendant medical corporation C (hereinafter “the defendant foundation”) is a medical corporation that established and operates the F Hospital (hereinafter “the defendant hospital”), which is a medical institution, and the defendant D works for the defendant hospital.

- On July 29, 2015, Plaintiff A complained of symptoms to be sunken on each side of the slots (knee-gu) and applied to Defendant A’s hospital. The Defendant hospital taken X-ray and MRI photographs on each side of the slots of Plaintiff A.

- Based on the results of the above shooting, Defendant D diagnosed that Plaintiff A had symptoms such as the Plaintiff’s slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slelet slele on the left side, the left side slelet slelet sle sle.

- On November 21, 2015, Plaintiff A was discharged from Defendant Hospital on several occasions and received rehabilitation outpatients from Defendant Hospital.

- The plaintiffs are married couple.

[Grounds for recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1, 2, and 3, the result of the request for the examination of medical records to the head of G Hospital in this court, the result of the request for the examination of the medical records to the head of H Hospital in this court, the summary of the plaintiffs' claims as a whole, the violation of the medical malpractice and duty to explain, and the plaintiffs' damages caused by the violation of the duty to explain, and the defendant D, who suffered from the plaintiffs, can give sufficient treatment to the symptoms of the skes that the plaintiff complained against. However, the defendant D operated unnecessary surgery for all kneees, as well as all kneees.
