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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2013.10.18 2013고합575

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On December 6, 2004, the defendant was sentenced to a summary order of KRW 1 million at the Busan District Court on August 21, 2007, a fine of KRW 3 million for fraud; the above court on October 18, 2007, a fine of KRW 1 million for fraud; the above court on November 11, 2008, a fine of KRW 1 million for fraud; the above court on December 1, 2008, a fine of KRW 7 million; the above court on December 8, 2008, a fine of KRW 2 million for fraud; the above court on May 18, 2009, issued a summary order of KRW 4 million with the above court on May 18, 2009; and the above court was sentenced to a fine of KRW 3 million for fraud; the above court on January 205, 200, each of the above crimes was sentenced to a fine of KRW 3 million by the above court on March 27, 20015.

【Criminal Facts】

1. On March 5, 2013, the Defendant, at around 22:10, was provided with the amount equivalent to KRW 60,000,00,00 from the said victim, by deceiving the victim as if he did not have any intention or ability to pay the drinking value despite of the absence of an intention or ability to pay the drinking value, and thereby inducing the victim to pay the drinking value.

Accordingly, the defendant, by deceiving the victim, received property and acquired pecuniary benefits.

2. At around 14:20 on June 11, 2013, the Defendant demanded money from the Defendant’s house located in the city of Busan, the Defendant’s father (the 62 years of age) to demand money for drinking, but the Defendant refused this demand, leaving the knife, which is a dangerous weapon in the kitchen (the total length of 29cm, 17cc in the knife length, 17cc in the knife) that was in the kitchen, “I do not have a father. I do not have a father. I do not have this knife. I are called as “in the calculation of tax base and calculation of tax on the amount of money,” and 1.50,000 won were taken out from the wall that the victim got on the floor, and 50,000 won was taken by taking the victim’s house located adjacent to shock.

Summary of Evidence

