본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2017.04.21 2015가합102601

1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. The parties' assertion

가. 원고의 주장 원 금 지급일자 이자율(%) 기간식 이자 금액 원리금 합계 5,000,000 2006.01.26 2015.07.01 5 (9 157/365) 2,357,534 7,357,534 10,000,000 2006.03.21 2015.07.01 5 (9 103/365) 4,640,710 14,640,710 50,000,000 2007.05.23 2015.07.01 5 (8 40/365) 20,273,224 70,273,224 50,000,000 2007.06.27 2015.07.01 5 (8 5/365) 20,034,153 70,034,153 5,000,000 2007.11.02 2015.07.01 5 (7 242/365) 1,915,753 6,915,753 3,000,000 2008.02.05 2015.07.01 5 (7 147/365) 1,110,410 4,110,410 10,000,000 2008.08.28 2015.07.01 5 (6 308/365) 3,421,917 13,421,917 5,000,000 2008.09.12 2015.07.01 5 (6 293/365) 1,700,684 6,700,684 20,000,000 2008.10.31 2015.07.01 5 (6 244/365) 6,668,493 26,668,493 10,000,000 2009.10.23 2015.07.01 5 (5 252/365) 2,845,205 12,845,205 10,000,000 2009.12.11 2015.07.01 5 (5 203/365) 2,778,082 12,778,082 5,000,000 2010.02.12 2015.07.01 5 (5 140/365) 1,345,890 6,345,890 183,000,000 69,092,055 252,092,055 원고는 2006. 1. 26.부터 2010. 2. 12.까지 부부인 피고들에게 아파트 분양권매입자금, 등기비용, 아버지 장례식 비용 등의 명목으로 아래와 같이 합계 183,000,000원을 피고들이 매입한 강서구 아파트(이하 ‘이 사건 아파트’라 한다)가 전매된 때를 변제기로 정하여 대여하였다.

The Plaintiff leased all the Defendants, who are married, in consideration of the entire financial resources of the entire Defendants. Thus, the Defendants are jointly obligated to pay to the Plaintiff the total amount of the principal and interest of the loan, KRW 252,092,055, and damages for delay.

B. The amount of money that the Plaintiff asserted by the Defendants paid to the Defendants is merely the name of the salary and fees that Defendant C received as an helper for the Plaintiff’s business, the name of rice rice, the value of rice tea, and the amount of money contributed to Defendant C, and not loans

2. The plaintiff asserts that there is no dispute between the parties to the judgment that the money was paid, but the reason why the money was paid is the loan, and the defendant asserts the reason for the payment.
