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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2019.05.23 2019고단1034

The sentence against the accused shall be determined by one year and six months of imprisonment.

Seized evidence No. 2 shall be forfeited from the accused.


Punishment of the crime

The organization of telecommunications-based financial fraud (hereinafter “Sing-based financial fraud”) takes part in the role of each of the following: (a) the organization operates a call center in China to transfer money to a designated account under the pretext of lending arrangement, etc.; (b) the organization falsely makes the victims transfer money to a designated account from the account holder under the name of the account holder for the purpose of lending money to a large number of unspecified people within the Republic of Korea; (c) the organization is in charge of the organization’s internal contact with each of the organizations; and (d) the organization falsely distributes money from the call center to the designated account; and (e) the “ recruitment account” that is provided with the account to be used for the commission of sing-phishing; (d) the account holder’s remittance of money to the designated account; and (e) the account holder’

The Defendant, upon receiving a proposal from a person who was unable to receive a call center’s operation, remittance, withdrawal, or prohibition time as a member of the telephone financial fraud assistance operator, was a person who operated the call center, remittance, withdrawal, or prohibition time, and the Defendant, upon receipt of a proposal from a person who was unable to receive his name (hereinafter “B”), intended to make 4% of the amount as allowances when he remitted the amount withdrawn from the account holder to a designated account, and subsequently, intended to receive the proposal from the person who was unable to receive the statement and transfer the amount to the account designated by the person who was not entitled to receive the statement, in sequence with the Defendant.

On March 27, 2019, the person under whose name was not the victim made a false statement to the victim C that "if the victim was a D employee, a deposit of KRW 20,000,000 is deposited, a loan shall be made up to KRW 150,00,000, and interest shall be exempted for a loan equivalent to KRW 2.5 times the deposit, and a loan shall be made up for a loan with low interest rate of KRW 2.5 times the difference shall be made, and the deposit shall be returned with two times the loan in a short term."

However, the person who is not the person who is not the person who is not the person who is not the person in question is the name of deposit.
