본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.05.12 2013고단4371

The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the defendant shall be published.


1. On June 15, 2013, the summary of the facts charged is that the Defendant, who was a Chinese Joseon Party, was living in the Republic of Korea on June 15, 2013. The Defendant, along with C (human identity uncertainty) and D (personal identity uncertainty), was loaded with the Defendant’s Eatt car, and stolen the goods. (1) C and D together with C, at the G golf range located in Daejeon-gu, Daejeon, Daejeon, on October 2, 19:15, at the entrance of the above parking lot, D reported the network at the above parking lot, and C 10,000 won, she tried to open the convenience of driving of the INAS car owned by the victim, who was parked in the above parking lot by fire, and the Defendant tried to use the above 17,000 won car at the entrance of the victim’s parking lot, with D 10,000 won and D 20,000 won, and thus, failed to own the above 3rd parking lot at the victim’s.

2. Determination

A. Although the Defendant, from the investigative agency to this court, entered the Defendant’s car driving range along with C and D to the Defendant’s car driving range, he was only inside the vehicle, and C and D were not aware of the theft of goods from other vehicles.

B. According to each evidence submitted by the prosecutor, C and D can be recognized that they committed a theft of goods in another vehicle jointly in the above golf practice range or committed a theft of goods, such as the facts charged.
