본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.09.26 2017고단4386

Each of the instant public prosecution against the Defendants is dismissed.


1. Facts charged;

A. Defendant B: (a) around April 13, 2017, the Defendant: (a) 22:10 on the road of “F cafeteria” located in Dongjak-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government; and (b) while speaking that Defendant A and the victim C (38 tax) have a dispute with Defendant C, the Defendant her talked with Defendant C while making a brut with Defendant C, the victim was pushed down with both descendants; (b) the victim was tightly boomed with the victim, and the victim got her to the Defendant, and the victim was able to take the victim’s face and chest by taking the brush against the Defendant.

Accordingly, the defendant assaulted the victim.

B. Defendant A, at the same time and place as set forth in the above paragraph 1, was fighted between Defendant B and the victim C (38). While Defendant A her fighting, Defendant A her fighted with the victim who was fighting, he she took a bath to the victim, took a bath mutually with the victim, and took a bath with the victim, and took a son with the victim by hand, the victim taken the victim’s face with the victim’s hand at one time. Defendant A her son was flicked with the victim’s face by drinking, and followed the victim’s face once by raising the victim’s face to the victim who was flick with the victim who was flick.

Accordingly, the defendant assaulted the victim.



C At the same time and place as above 1 paragraph 1, the Defendant continued to keep the body of the victim B (19) (19) who was satisfy with A while fighting with A, and was satisfy against B, and the Defendant satisfyed against B, and the Defendant satisfyed the victim and satisfyed the victim's face.

In addition, the victim A (19 years of age) who made the above assault was fluored by the victim A (19 years of age) and the victim was fluored by the victim's hand.

Accordingly, the defendant assaulted victims.

2. The above facts charged are crimes falling under Article 260(1) of the Criminal Act, which cannot be prosecuted against the victim’s explicit intent under Article 260(3) of the Criminal Act.

The victim C is a victim of each of the above facts charged against Defendant A and B in this court.
