The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
1. Summary of grounds for appeal;
A. As to the violation of the Music Industry Promotion Act due to a mistake of fact-finding loan arrangement, the Defendant did not have arranged the Defendant to send one contact loan to singing customers E and F.
B. The sentence sentenced by the lower court to the Defendant (an amount of KRW 1.3 million) is too unreasonable.
2. Determination
A. The following circumstances, which are acknowledged by comprehensively taking account of the evidence duly adopted and examined by the lower court and the trial court, i.e., ① one person who can play at an investigative agency for one hour a week by having him/her play together, and sent him/her with one other, and as such, he/she added one person to his/her own music when he/she comes to play. As such, he/she plays together with his/her own music, such as singing and dancing, and ② On the other hand, E has no specific statement on the present situation, ② at the lower court and the trial court, “I am alone,” and at the same time, I am sing and play together with the Defendant’s oral statement, and I am sing and talk with the investigation agency for one hour, and I am sing and talk with the Defendant’s oral statement, not with the Defendant’s oral statement, but with the Defendant’s oral statement. Although I am sing and talked with the Defendant’s oral statement.