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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.09.16 2015고단2313

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and four months.


Punishment of the crime

On October 2012, the Defendant was introduced D and E through C, which was known to the general public, to obtain a loan on or around October 2012. D and E purchased a building with a former tenant, and forged a detailed statement of the transfer household inspection as if there is no former tenant, and thereby professionally obtains a loan from a lending business entity and obtains a loan by using it.

At the time of application for purchase and loan of a building from D and E, the Defendant received a loan from the name of D and E to offer three million won from each loan, and borrowed the name.

1. On October 23, 2012, the Defendant conspiredd with D, E, and purchased at the name of the Defendant on October 23, 2012, G apartment 201 Dong-dong 116, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Daejeon, and then filed the move-in report to the said apartment, and received the details of the move-in household inspection. D stated that “the details of move-in household inspection” on the document top as in the same way as the original documents of the move-in household inspection, and stated “the details of move-in household inspection” in the administrative agency column as “H of the Daejeon Metropolitan City, Seo-gu, Daejeon,” stating the name and address of the Defendant to the head of the household, and forged “the details of move-in household inspection”, which is an official document issued by the

Around October 26, 2012, the Defendant: (a) borrowed 50 million won from the victim F, which was operated by the victim F in Busan Dong-gu, Busan; and (b) delivered the details of the forged transfer household inspection from D to the victim who was aware of the forged fact.

B. At the same time and place as the above paragraph (a) above, the criminal defendant borrowed from the victim as above, and the fact that the above apartment was offered as security to the victim, despite that the former tenant had no value as security for his/her residence, shall be delivered to the victim, thereby having no former tenant in the above apartment.
