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텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2013.07.03 2013고단645

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The defendant shall be ordered to take lectures necessary to prevent recidivism for 40 hours.



Punishment of the crime

【Criminal Power】 On January 22, 2009, the Defendant was sentenced to two years by the Jeju District Court to imprisonment for a violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective deadly weapon, etc.) and completed the execution of the sentence in the Jeju Prison on December 19, 2010.

【Criminal Facts】

1. At around 22:30 on May 21, 2013, the Defendant: (a) approached the victim C (at the age of 24) who was frightened at the entrance of the D apartment at Jeju, and was seated so as to make it impossible to resist; (b) was able to sit on the side of the victim, and (c) was frighted to the left side of the apartment.

Accordingly, the defendant committed an indecent act on the part of the victim by taking advantage of the mental condition of the victim.

2. The Defendant, at the time, at the time, at the place, as described in paragraph 1, stolen the mp31 market value of the victim’s mp30,000 won and 2 copies of the NongHyk Card (E, F), 1 copy of the new card (G), and one copy of the resident registration certificate.

3. At around 00:10 on May 2, 2013, the Defendant ordered the Victim I’s I’s Operation “J” from entertainment tavern in Jeju, with an amount equivalent to KRW 150,00,00, and ordered I to prepare sales slips, as described in paragraph (2), after having I present the stolen Nong Card (E) to I as if the Defendant was a legitimate holder, and then having I use a credit card signed and stolen in the signature column. As above, the Defendant, by deceiving I, was exempted from paying KRW 150,00,000 from paying KRW 150,00,000 from the State from May 21, 2013 to 02:59 on May 23, 2013, the Defendant used the stolen credit card as described in paragraph (2) on a total of 12 occasions from around 23:51 to around 02:59 on the same day, and acquired the total of KRW 10,384,90.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Each police statement made to C, K, and I;

1. Records of seizure and the list of seizure;

1. Photographs of the details of receipt of letters using a card and investigation report (Attachment of CCTV photographs using a cut card);

1. A suspect;
