1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
A. 1) The Defendant is a doctor operating the “C Amology”. 2) The Plaintiff was diagnosed in 2005 and received medical treatment from the Defendant from July 25, 2006. Around January 2007, the Defendant received surgery for the urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology urology.
The plaintiff's vision measured on February 13, 2007, which was after the operation, was 0.8.08.
3) 원고는 2007. 4. 5. 시력 저하를 이유로 피고에게 진료를 받았는데, 당시 측정된 시력은 좌안 0.2, 우안 0.3이었다. 피고는 원고에 대해 세극등현미경(전안부를 확대하여 볼 수 있는 현미경의 일종) 검사를 실시하였으나 더 나아가 안저(眼底)검사를 실시하지는 아니하였다. 4) 피고는 2007. 6. 5. 원고의 증상을 우안 당뇨망막병증 및 좌안 망막중심정맥폐쇄로 진단하였고, 같은 달 16.에도 동일한 진단을 하였으며, 나아가 같은 달 21.에는 녹내장 의증이라고 진단하였다.
On the other hand, as of June 16, 2007, the Plaintiff’s internal pressure was measured with 44m Hg 25m Hg (hereinafter “mHg” as a unit in the entry of the internal pressure”) and on June 25, 2007, the Defendant continued to set the normal range (10-21) 33 to 52 until the last proof of the internal pressure was measured, and during that period, the Defendant did not provide other treatment than prescribing the internal voltage system such as Toluene, etc.
5) On June 22, 2007, the Defendant drafted a written request for medical examination and treatment of a superior hospital to the Plaintiff. On June 25, 2007, the Plaintiff: (a) sought to leave the department within the ordinary university hospital; (b) as a result of the examination, the Plaintiff was diagnosed as a non-duplicating urology urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical dysium in both sides; (c) the medical personnel at the ordinary university hospital conducted 3 times every time from June 26, 2007 to July 16, 2007 on the part of the Plaintiff. (d) The Plaintiff’s urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical urgical ur