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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2019.10.25 2019나2010031

1. Revocation of the first instance judgment.

2. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

3. All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

가. 피고의 지위 등 1) 피고는 C시를 관할 구역으로 하여 공자를 비롯한 유교 성현들에 대한 향사의 봉행, 문묘의 유지, 유교이념의 연구 및 교육 등의 활동을 통해 유교사상을 유지하고 보급하는 것을 목적으로 설립된 지방향교이다. 피고는 지방향교의 지위에서 ‘F’을 사실상 상급단체로 여기고 있으나, 피고와 F은 각각 독립된 단체로서의 실질을 갖고 있다. F과 지방향교인 피고 모두 각각 독립된 법적 주체인 비법인 사단에 해당한다(대법원 2010. 5. 27. 선고 2006다72109 판결 참조). 2) 피고의 내부 기관으로는 대표자인 전교(典校), 6인 내외의 수석장의(首席掌議), 50인 내외의 장의(掌議), 2인의 감사 등의 임원이 있고, 최고의결기구인 유림총회를 비롯하여 장의회(임원회), 수석장의회, 원로회, 장의협의회, 상벌위원회 등의 의결기구가 설치되어 있다.

B. On December 27, 2016, the enactment of the Forestry General Meeting and the Transitional Election Regulations (1) the Defendant was elected in a way that conjects “former curriculum” and the Defendant was elected on December 27, 2016 (hereinafter “First Forest General Meeting”).

(1) Around December 201, 2007, the 2011 Confucian School Election Management Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “instant provision”) was enacted by holding a meeting.

The main contents of the instant provision relating to the instant case are as follows. Article 2 of the Regulations on the Election and Management of Doctrine School (1) of the Doctrine School Election Management (hereinafter “Election Commission”) is composed of:

1. One chairman of the election management committee;

2. One vice-chairperson of the election management;

3. Not more than eight election management members - The chief executive officer and the secretary general.

4. The chairperson of the election management shall be elected by the committee and appointed by the chairperson;

(2) An election commission shall be comprised of 30 days before the preceding election.

Article 4 (Registration of Candidates) (1) Any person who intends to attend a former class shall resign from all public offices (registration of candidates) by the date preceding the date on which the registration of candidates is completed.
