본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.12.16 2012가단10185 (1)

1. The Defendant’s acquisition by prescription on December 31, 2008, with respect to the Plaintiff’s share of 3,720/6,720 square meters among 4,012 square meters of Cheongdo-gun, Cheongdo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do.


1. Facts recognized;

A. AB forest AB forest 22,215 square meters (hereinafter “AB forest before division”) and AD 16,264 square meters (hereinafter “AD forest before division”) in Cheong-do, Cheong-do, Gyeong-do, Gyeong-do, Gyeong-do, Gyeong-do, Gyeong-do (hereinafter “AD forest before division”), which had been registered as a preservation of ownership in the name of AE, had been managed while AG purchased from AE and had not completed the registration of ownership transfer.

B. Meanwhile, in order to secure the turdy necessary to store a turdy from among the forests and fields in AB and AD adjacent to AD forests and purchased a specific 3,00 square and complete slope part (or, however, no survey was conducted) under the turdy born from AG in order to secure the turdy necessary to store a turdy for farming use. At the same time, the turdian, who was turd in AH adjacent to AB and AD forests, occupied the bank installed by AG in the direction below the boundary without completing the registration of ownership transfer.

C. Pursuant to the Act on Special Measures for the Registration, etc. of Ownership of Forest Land, which was in force on October 26, 1970 (hereinafter “Special Measures Act”), with respect to shares of 1,000/6,720 among the forest land AB prior to subdivisions, the ownership transfer registration made due to the sale on February 2, 1957 in the name of Y, Z, and AA with respect to shares of 3,720/6,720 shares due to the sale on February 2, 1957, the ownership transfer registration made due to the sale on January 1, 1957 in the name of AG was completed with respect to the forest land AD under the name of AB prior to subdivisions, and the ownership transfer registration made due to the sale on April 23, 1980 under the name of 3,720/6,727,729 of the forest land under the name of AB prior to subdivisions under the Special Measures Act.

On the other hand, around November 9, 1987, the Plaintiff agreed to purchase 2,950 square meters (excluding 50 square meters sold to other for tombates among the 3,000 square meters) of the AB forests and fields before the division from AH Mmons.

E. After the above agreement, each forest land is divided.
